Created | Updated Jun 4, 2004
The She Mantis assumes the form of a beautiful woman then lures pure, innocent victims back to her nest with her attractive feremones. The Mantis can rotate her head 180 degrees. After luring her victims to her nest she mates with them in order to fertalise her eggs, which shoot out during the mating process. Then once fertalised she nibs off the head of her prey. She can be disabled with the sound of bats and killed by dismembering with a large saw or axe.
The warewolf is such a potent and extreme representaion of our unborn animalistic traits. It emerges for three consecutive nights, the night of the full moon and the two nights surrounding it. The warewolf acts on pure instinct with no concience and is extremley predetory and aggressive. Anyone can be turned, man or woman if bitten by another warewolf. The use of silver bullets as used in the myth is not the best was as this creature is still human 28 days in the year and may be totally unaware of his or her possition
The Bezoar is a pre-historic paracite. The mother hybernates underground, laying eggs. Whilst the offspring attatch themselves to a human host, completley taking control of their motor functions through nueral clamping. In order to save the hosts you must kill the mother, when doing so all of the offspring will die along with her.
Der Kindestod means child death. This demon feeds off of the souls of children by sucking the life out of them. It however looks like the child died a natural death, so no-one is any the wiser. It kills by sitting on top of its victim, pinning him or her down helplessly while it gorges the life out out of them. Der Kindestod can only be seen by children or the delerious, it is completley invisable to the sane adults eye.
The Order of Taraka are a society of deadly assasins dating back to KIng Solomon. They have no earthly desires but to collect their bounty. They find a target and eliminate it and you will not know who or what they are until they strike. You can kill them but more will come and they will keep on coming until they have collected their bounty or the bounty is called off by the party that called them.
The Bringers also known as harbingers are the aqualites of the First. They conjour spirit manefestations to set upon and taunt people. They have no eyes or tongue so they cannot see or speak. There ultimate mission is to destroy earth.
For they are the harbingers of death, nothing shall grow above or below, no seed shall flower, neither in man, they are rebels and will never bring any good.
The Gentlmen are fairytale monsters who seek seven mortal hearts. They come to a town or village and steal all human voices. So that no one can scream or shout, when they cut out the hearts of their victims. They can be killed one at a time using a sword or axe of somekind but a more effective way of killing them is the sound of the human voice, one scream will kill them all in one fail swoop instantly.
Adam is a robot created by professor Walsh out of demon, human and electrical parts, designed as the ultimate killing machine during war.
His goal is to create a war between human and demon so that he can collect the parts and fuse them together to make more of his kind. Effectavily creating a whole new race of human/demon hybrates.