A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks & Beach

On the prowl for Wombles!

Post 481


I think I'm just going to have to keep calling them STUMP. I don't see why I should show 'em any respec' after what they did to Joanna's stall.

smiley - tongueout


Smelly Trainers Unearth Multiple Peanuts!

smiley - tongueout

On the prowl for Wombles!

Post 482


I don't know. These people, while I agree that they don't deserve respect, are a pretty tough bunch. I've seen their home base, I've seen their Want Ads, I've seen their initiation processes...these people don't mess around. Besides, while this place did get messed up when they attacked, they didn't really hurt anyone, and the only thing they broke was some of my Ghostbusting equipment, and the door of that locked cabinet.

In short, what I'm trying to say is this: all we can do is try to second guess them. Warn other agencies that might get attacked, etc. I think I'll go contact the H2G2 Police Station.

*Teleports out*

On the prowl for Wombles!

Post 483


A tough bunch, Eh!
Well, I know how to deal with their sort!

*goof picks up his doughnut and coffee and hides under the table in the corner*

On the prowl for Wombles!

Post 484


*Teleports in, and pulls Dr. Lithium out from under the table*

They probably won't come back for a while. Anyway, I've contacted the H2G2 Police Station. Knowing them, I'd guess that Chrome'll show up soon.

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 485


I'm wowed by your amazing selection, Joanna. Please may I have a kosher donut?

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 486


My whole computer network is trying to understand what a donut IS, Joanna: there must be some kind of bug in my browser, for it is called an intelligent one, but it is thinking that I've been requesting a donut from IT, from the moment that I opened your page. I don't know if I have to sue you first or the browser's producer, MicroSyrius Cybernetics.
But talking about your page: it sounds good, but a little too serious, somehow like "what about a good bit of Rachmaninov (just for relaxing and having fun, I suggest The Isle ot the deads), while talking about Bessel's functions and Purcell's misuse of the Napolitan Sixth?"
It would be great, but since I'm offended by your lack of welcoming ME (in fact, I am a new user) I will go out for an icecream.


Mmmmm Donuts

Post 487


Sorry you've not had a welcome, Pepi...smiley - sadface
I'm going to rewrite my homepage soon...

Are you sure you wouldn't like a donut?

*delivers a Kosher donut backward in time for Gavroche*

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 488


Thanks Joanna, I will be glad to have one, I did not answer you because there must be a bug in the link system that brings always me to the very beginning of this forum: To get here, I had to write down the URL http://www.h2g2.com/FLR26840?thread=59861&skip=480&show=20
by my bare hands. it has been heavy, and I feel weary; ...could I have two?

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 489


Pepi, until they release the new and improved h2g2 you can always get to the end of the thread by adding ?latest=1 to the address... smiley - smiley

Can I have a donut too? smiley - smiley

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 490


GREAT, it works. Serve yourself!

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 491


*hands over heisenburg uncertainty donuts to Alien & Pepi*

I guess I should think about moving the stall...

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 492


Thanks! *yum yum*

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 493


Thanks Joanna, I was eating while reading your article about solitons - now it's time for me to go for supper, I will not get another donut because it could waste my appetite. See you (and of course you, Alien) next time!

Jukebox: Sell Out by Reel Big Fish

Post 494

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

An mhCHUD please smiley - smiley

*whips out a new ReCall*

Jukebox: Sell Out by Reel Big Fish

Post 495


*hands over mhCHUD to Joe*

Sorry about the slow service there...

Jukebox: Sell Out by Reel Big Fish

Post 496


*Plays Pong on his watch*

Jukebox: Sell Out by Reel Big Fish

Post 497


We could, maybe, move?

Jukebox: Sell Out by Reel Big Fish

Post 498


only if you give me a superlative smiley - winkeye

Jukebox: Sell Out by Reel Big Fish

Post 499



Jukebox: Sell Out by Reel Big Fish

Post 500


get donuts here: http://www.h2g2.com/F26840?thread=64781 :-)

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