A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 41


I'm sorry, Ook...I haven't said hello in a long time.

*turns back to Odra* Yes, I prefer knives and basic weaponry although the high-tech implements of destruction preferred by many around here are cool, too.

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 42

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

Speaking of machetes, have you seen anything about this h2g2-based Web version of Survivor? l dropped off an application. l simply couldn't resist...

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 43


I checked it out and thought of applying but didn't know if they meant put your stats in the forum or if they'd peruse individual researcher home/spaces;if that's the case I'd better not bother seeing as I haven't got diddly on mine.

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 44

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

Thus far, only Lintilla and l have applied. All you have to do is meander in and either make up something about yourself or tell the basic truth, and you're in. No homepage-perusal required...
Hee. lf we get eatsmice and you in on this...just imagine the destruction. That island would never look the same. The original Pyromanic Four.

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 45


Not to mention we all seem to have a love of getting to the action fast, in a big way!

I'll run over and check it out...


Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 46


*...ingle jing*

*returns to table

Well, we'll see what MK has to say about not choosing to be gender specific.

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 47

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

l think it adds a splendid hint of mystery...and if he doesn't like it we can blow him up for you.


Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 48


Ah, there's the spirit! Bothered me a bit about not even a butter knife, though. Where's the warrior's fun to be had? Surely not in paper cuts alone (as I nurse several at my RL desk)!

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 49

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*fondly strokes the barrel of her still-never used Strange-Matter-Defibrulation-Taser*

We'll just see who's not allowed to have butter knives...
l think perhaps MK just meant that the producers won't be providing the weapons for us. Perhaps it's something to do with insurance. All the more reason to bring our own along, then!

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 50


Ah, yes indeed! They must have a long disclaimer, for sure.

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 51


*Comes in, past the backlog he refuses to read. Decides not to make his usual pointless comments, unsheaths his sword, gets Usual, and enters the Magic Forest in an attempt to find the Rat-Ant(s)*

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 52

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

l do hope he doesn't mistake Vlad and the Yak for a very large rat-ant. That could get ugly.

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 53


Ah, but if in true zen fashion, having not read the backlog, do they exist to Affy or not? What is the sound of one yak clapping? If a yak falls in the woods, does it make any sound? Only to those who labor over the backlog...

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 54

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

Suppose that's a valid point. l'm sure the Majic Forest is big enough that a backlogless-Affy and a yak-borne Vlad can manage to miss each other in it...

Heh. What kind of a sound -does- a yak make, anyway? A growl? A whinny? A bellow?

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 55


Probably a bleating-trill of some sort. I like the idea that one could possibly wander forever in the forest and not trip over another's thread...

By the way, I've never seen Survivor...I'd hate to be pitted against you! Would be more fun as a team.

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 56

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

l've never seen it either, admittedly. l say we warp it into a more The-Real-World-esque fiasco, with constant dramatic flareups and pointless, petty arguments. What say you?

l also got the impression that in this version, there would be two teams. Maybe we can all get ourselves on the same team, or something? l have no idea how all of this works, but l suppose the mediators are going to give us all of that information as time goes on.

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 57

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess

Kind of a grunting whine, I'm told. smiley - winkeye

Hi all. I've popped in a few times, but failed to make a regular apperance. I'm Demon Drawer's and Joanna's Attorney General de jour.

Is anybody serving, or do I need to use the IIEM?

*figures to heck with it*

IIEM one triple espresso with whipped cream and caramel, please.

c(_) Yummy....

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 58

Witty Moniker

Heya! smiley - smiley

*checks last few posts*

Ooh, ohh! I'm gonna put a Survivor link right next to my Safari link!

And they sorted themselves into teams on the TV show until the whittled the remaining batch down to 9 or 10, I believe. They ganged up on each other to control who got voted off the island.

IIEM: [~]k, please

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 59


*Bursts in through the door, with several serious looking cuts, bruises, and wounds*

There's a whole nest of 'em out there! I think that they'll leave researchers alone, though, as long as we do the same. Just don't ever ask one the time of day.

Meanwhile, I need to get some mroe extermination stuff from CLI.

*Goes to the tunnell*

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 60

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

Hiya Witty, Cheezdanish.

Hear that, ox? l won't vote you off if you don't vote me off.
On the other hand, it might be more Big-Brother-like, where the h2g2 audience at large controls the voting.
l say you and l and Lintilla, and if eatsmice joins, that we all band together and gang up against everyone else. l'm certain we could take all comers...

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