A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 1

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

splendid blends, heavenly herbals, unlikely specialties, improbable orangutans, a piano. Even the chairs are musical.

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 2

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*an American citizen who doesn't know how the other option goes pecks out "Rule Britannia*

Rule Britannia...Britannia rules the waves...

*and please note bonus singing along*

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 3

Witty Moniker

hhhmph! skunked again!

But, being a good sport, she hums along.

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 4

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

Britons never never never shall be slaves....

*stops abruptly*

And that's all l know.

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 5

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I would have just sung Du-du-da-dum-dum DUM DUM DUM DUM DUM DUMB!
------------> ^}~{^ (blackcurrant tea, tepid)

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 6

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)


But l wanted to showcase my marvelous(ly off key) singing voice...and hopefully mask my lack of skill with the piano...

*sips cautiously*

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 7

Witty Moniker

*eyelids heavy, bed calling, must go*

See you tomorrow. ~waves~

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 8

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

'Night, Witty.

*starts messing about idly with the piano...does the begining of Fur Elise, one of the few other things she can play*

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 9

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Let's just have a conversation in one place tonight and not offend other researchers.
*checks IIEM, changes filters, and puts it on autopilot*

If anyone turns up and wants a chat, we can just nip in through the tunnel.

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 10

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

Sounds a plan.

*sets tea aside for later, nips through tunnel and melds*

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 11

Wild Stallion

*wanders in thinking he would appreciate a nice hot cocoa about now*
*looks about and decides this is the kind a place where a horse could sidle up to a nice cup of cocoa and not have everybody look crosseyed at him*

How's a guy go about gitt'n hisself a nice cup of cocoa around here, preferrably made with Belgian chocolate.

No, I am not a Belgian, I just thinks they make the best chocolate, almost makes alternate for doing the 'stud'ly thing.

smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 12

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*skates in via the tunnel at the approach of a newcomer, and bounds up the stairs and into the cafe*

Helloa, Wild Stallion. lt's pretty quiet in here at the moment, but the clientele might pick up in a bit.
Whenever you want a drink of any kind (as long as it's nonalcoholic), just step up to the counter and order it from that complicated-looking box-thing there. That's the llEM, or lnfinite lmprobablility Espresso Machine, and it can get you anything you'd like.
Just watch...
*goes up to the counter*
llEM? One cup of hot cocoa, Belgian chocolate, please, for the equine gentleman here.
*the cocoa materalises below, and she slides it down the counter to Wild Stallion*
There you are. Simple as that.

There are couches and chairs and comfy places to sit and stand all over, as well as a TV and a player piano. Do make yourself at home.

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 13

Styx the Rat

*pushes door open from back porch*
A wild horse, heh heh heh

Hello Stud Lady. I went to the Forum and Firkin. They drink the Lysol there instead of using it to clean. No cleaning bot like here.
*eyes glow redly*
I won't go back there. Cat ogre there, not normal like your cat buddy.
sniff sniff
cream cheese on your breath. What did Styx miss?

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 14

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

Lysol on the Rocks. Has its place in any party...l like straight vanilla extract with a Nyquil chaser better, myself...

lf you go back to the Atelier, there's some jello Lil made. With whipped cream, cream cheese, fruit. lt's good.

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 15

Styx the Rat

*zips out back door into woods*

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 16

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*rouses self sleepily and sets aside Wild Stallion's cocoa; makes sure everything's wiped down and ready for any incoming customers*

There we go, then....
*exits and walks through the tunnel to meld for the night*

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 17


*Wanders in and steps up to the IIEM*

Double espresso please IIEM.

*Takes cc((~)), sets up VPB, steps in and lights up Marlboro.*

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 18

ZOE(Scout), Patron Saint of Multiple Personalities{TANGO NEEDS HELP WITH PROJECT :STARS @ A403930 ALL STAR-GAZERS PLEASE PUT YOU

Hi all,

How was the week-end.

*walks up to IIEM, takes humongous mug off belt clip *

IIEM, please fill up with strong, sweet black coffee.

*takes a sip*

Thanx IIEM thats perfect, as usual.

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 19


*washes up*

Morning smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 20


*sticks head round door*
Blimey, just caught up from Friday! Only taken me about 3 hours.
(On and off reading, due to w*** smiley - smiley)
I'll just leave this and come back later.
*throws {[B17]} on counter and leaves again*

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