A Conversation for The Café

The Aroma Café: Past Christmas

Post 161

Witty Moniker

Ladies, the Aroma Café is dry. You can bring your own if you are subtle about it.

*Slips a little bailey's into her hot chocolate.*

The Aroma Café: Past Christmas

Post 162


Oops! smiley - blush

Strong coffee, please.

I have a flask in my bag.

Lovely establishment. I should have dropped by sooner.

The Aroma Café: Past Christmas

Post 163

Mrs Zen

* Grabs flask gratefully *

The Aroma Café: Past Christmas

Post 164


Oh, what a lovely crowd! smiley - biggrin

*hides herself into PPB and lights ===smiley - star~~~*

The Aroma Café: Past Christmas

Post 165

Demon Drawer

smiley - tea Earl Grey hot.

And loads of it please.



smiley - devil

The Aroma Café: Past Christmas

Post 166

marvthegrate LtG KEA

'Lo all.

The Aroma Café: Past Christmas

Post 167

Demon Drawer

Hel' Marv.

(beginner of people's sentences)

The Aroma Café: Past Christmas

Post 168


I have asked Teuchter to drop by as she had made her first to the Atelier just as it all went pear shaped.

*waves to Marv*

Have you recovered from the snowboarding?

The Aroma Café: Past Christmas

Post 169

Mrs Zen

I've had enough of hootoo for today, smiley - sadface so I am going offline to get on with stuff.

This has completely distracted me from my paperwork and admin, and I am going to focus on that tomorrow and the rest of the week.

Take care, everyone


The Aroma Café: Past Christmas

Post 170

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Thanks DD, could always count on you.

Caer, the snowboarding was something of a flop. I did not manage to actualy board that much as once down I could not get back on my feet. I told my friends to go along and I would suffer at the lodge with a beer and watch people fall all over themselves at the bottom of one of the runs. I really need to loose the weight I have been carrying to try it again. It is a goal for next winter.

So should I don an apron and hand out drinks? This place has certainly changed since I was the Latin Spewing Philisophical Waiter.

The Aroma Café: Past Christmas

Post 171

Garius Lupus

Hello fellow refugees. smiley - biggrin Perhaps the regulars here could tell me what ever happened to Ook?

The Aroma Café: Past Christmas

Post 172


Ben, it was really none of your fault and please don't disappear for long. smiley - hug

The Aroma Café: Past Christmas

Post 173

Demon Drawer

Peels a banana in hope Ook appears.

The Aroma Café: Past Christmas

Post 174

Mrs Zen

Just going to chill for the evening. Pretty Woman is on ITV tonight, and I have never seen it.

I am going to roast some beef, open some wine, raise a glass to DD smiley - redwine, and generally chill.


The Aroma Café: Past Christmas

Post 175

Demon Drawer

What never!!!!!


*Note DD has only fainted Salonistas smiley - dontpanic

The Aroma Café: Past Christmas

Post 176


Bye Ben. *waves* Hey, bring back my flask!

Hi Marv. At least you did it. That is something I've wanted to do for years. I'm jealous.

Well, yesterday was frantic for me. The city was threatening another delay on signing the final contracts with the builder and the builder refused to extend the deadline and wouldn't guarantee his bid after midnight. The architect was yelling at the city guy, the city guy was yelling at my board president, the mayor was trying to calm everyone down. Ay-yi-yi. We were looking at having to rebid the whole smiley - bleep thing.

So we had an emergency board meeting and got the mayor to agree to change the agenda for the council meeting at the eleventh hour. They signed a letter of intent which pacified the contractor but which didn't satisfy my board president who is still annoyed at the city for saying it was the board's fault when it clearly isn't.

So, the asbestos removal is proceeding and should be completed next week. Then construction is supposed to start in two weeks - providing the final contracts are signed. Now they're arguing about insurance. smiley - headhurts

I know the city needs a bigger library, but I'm wishing I hadn't started the smiley - bleepsmiley - bleep project. It's just about to drive me crazy.

*removes flask - Thanks Ben - and pours a generous slug into her coffee*

The Aroma Café: Past Christmas

Post 177

Garius Lupus

But smiley - redwine is better unchilled.

The Aroma Café: Past Christmas

Post 178


Sounds blissful, Ben. I shall be watching the season opener of Angel and wondering if I had persisted with judo, if I could kick butt like that!

Marv, I never could understand the need for people to hurl themselves down a mountain on two planks of wood, let alone one! smiley - winkeye I'm glad you are still in one piece.

The Aroma Café: Past Christmas

Post 179

marvthegrate LtG KEA

If what the SLC Main branch did is any indication, the bigger better library will be well worth it in the end.

The Aroma Café: Past Christmas

Post 180

Witty Moniker

*Checks the rafters.*

There he is.

*Waves to Ook.*

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