A Conversation for The Café

The Café: Blue skies of Spring

Post 581

Dizzy H. Muffin

[What, you mean like speaking in English badly-translated-from-Swedish? smiley - winkeye]

The Café: Blue skies of Spring

Post 582

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

(No, I mean like profane language, belching, or a desire to take over the world smiley - winkeye )

The Café: Blue skies of Spring

Post 583

Garius Lupus

*A large green parrot flys in the open window and lands on the IIEM*

Pierrot: Awwwwwwwkkkkkk! Small Amazon spring water to go.

IIEM: Here you go.

Pierrot: Squaaaaaak!!! Braaaakkk!!! It spoke!!!

IIEM: Of course.

Pierrot: Awwwkkkk! All lies! Those thing I told you were all lies! I never did any of those things! Screeeech!

The Café: Blue skies of Spring

Post 584

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Mog] I know you did it! Now ... Answer these three questions:

1. Where were you on the night of July 23rd, 2003?
2. Have you seen a black-caped man with white hair?
3. How did you think you came's to seen out when you are wery old?

The Café: Blue skies of Spring

Post 585

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Um... time travel in other threads not withstanding, we haven't REACHED July 23, 2003 yet.

And care to explain that last question?

The Café: Blue skies of Spring

Post 586

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Mog points to Post #581.]

The Café: Blue skies of Spring

Post 587

Irving Washington - Gone Writing


The Café: Blue skies of Spring

Post 588

Titania (gone for lunch)

*tries to remember which character traits IIEM has displayed in the past, so that she won't mess up*

*fails to remember any character traits*


The Café: Blue skies of Spring

Post 589

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

IIEM is kind, willing, and happy, fairly intelligent, and a tad naive.


Welcome to the weekend! I've got no plans, how about you all?

The Café: Blue skies of Spring

Post 590

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Mog] Gonna watch Matrix Reloaded tomorrow, just to say I did. And to form my /own/ opinion about it.

The Café: Blue skies of Spring

Post 591

Pope Edgar Montgomery 3rd, Lord of all that's heavy and electric (and ANARCHY), now not grooming for 1 week+ as a statement, and

Sorry to interupt but does anyone know a place I can get a Dr. Pepper with or without cream?

The Café: Blue skies of Spring

Post 592

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

It's no interuption, and this is one place where you can get it!

*instead of using the IIEM (infinite improbability espresso machine) Irving mixes a Dr. Pepper with cream for Edgar, and one for himself, as he's never tried one with cream*

Usually people just order from the IIEM, which is on autopilot (and has apparently just learned to speak) and can fix all manner of non-alcoholic drinks all by itself.

The Café: Blue skies of Spring

Post 593

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*entering from back porch*

The IIEM does too have a personality. You just haven't punched the
right buttons.

I'll have my usual, please. Where's Ook? Who's been keeping the path through the Magic Wood clear between here and the CLI building? Maybe I don't want to know the answer to that last question.

Hi everybody.

The Café: Blue skies of Spring

Post 594

Pope Edgar Montgomery 3rd, Lord of all that's heavy and electric (and ANARCHY), now not grooming for 1 week+ as a statement, and

Actually, I've never had one with cream either (until now) but I thought I might try it. Do you do snacks?

The Café: Blue skies of Spring

Post 595


The Plan: to survive the weekend.

IIEM, a blue java, please.

The Café: Blue skies of Spring

Post 596

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

[IIEM]: Here you go, Hati! Hello Lil! I've missed you! I've been the one responsible for keeping the path clear, for the most part. It's hard without legs, but I find ways smiley - winkeye

Hey, Lil! Good to see you here. I haven't seen Ook in a while... *looks around, under the tables, then up in the rafters, and smiles*

There he is! Up there! *points up*

Edgar, we've got a few snacks around. What are you in the mood for?

The Café: Blue skies of Spring

Post 597

Pope Edgar Montgomery 3rd, Lord of all that's heavy and electric (and ANARCHY), now not grooming for 1 week+ as a statement, and

Bacon sarnie, pork skratchings and or crackling and a personl if slightly weird fave of mine, bbq sauce and fruit pastals. What's not to like, bbq sauce= good, F.P= good. Try it some time.
Has anyone seen Matrix 2...?

The Café: Blue skies of Spring

Post 598

Cupid Stunt

Yes, but what was the connection, do all the above things taste of chicken? Not that that was in the sequel... Oh never mind. Any chance of a cuppa?

The Café: Blue skies of Spring

Post 599


I went to see Matrix Reloaded yesterday. smiley - biggrin

The Café: Blue skies of Spring

Post 600

Miranda (Make tea! Yes, Cissdur, it's still me)

I saw it, too... smiley - cool

IIEM, just a glass of water with a slice of lime, please. It's really time to go to bed... But it's still light outside! I don't wanna go to bed... smiley - sleepy ...'m not sleepy...smiley - zzz

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