A Conversation for The Church of the True Brownie

Elephant Trek

Post 81

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Emma crashes into the trees. Mari-rae is scraped off her back and is left dangling from a branch high overhead. Emma trumpets again, then an answering rumbling trumpet is heard. It is much deeper in tone.*

I can see them! It IS Humunguous!! They're acting funny now. They're butting their heads and winding their trunks together. They're circling each other. Wait a minute. What? Oh! Oh no! OH MY GODESS!

*She lets go of the branch and falls to the ground. She lays there staring up, quite pale.*

Kumabear? Now I know why you called him Humunguous.

Elephant Trek

Post 82


THAT was not why I named him that!

Elephant Trek

Post 83

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...


*opens another beer and hopes people don't realise he has no idea what is going on...*

*realises it will be very hard for anyone to tell the difference smiley - bigeyes but it does save him from having to read all the postings for the last week or so*

Elephant Trek

Post 84

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

*Having now read all the postings he had missed, for some reason starts wondering if he has room to install a shower...*

Elephant Trek

Post 85


Hmm... will you having a shower interfere in any way with my burning things???

Elephant Trek

Post 86

Satan - Lord of the Underworld

Bwahahaaa! I will overcome you all!!! I am ready to invade the world with my legions of evil Blonde Brownies!

(vanishes in a puff of brownish-green smoke)

Elephant Trek

Post 87

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Listen not to the Evil One!
-Archbishop Marv

Elephant Trek

Post 88

Satan - Lord of the Underworld

Listen to me, fools!! You've been deceived! Follow not the False Brownies!

Instead, revert to Satanism. It's very nice, really. It's just had a lot of bad press. My followers are actually all about flowers, and ...er... happiness... and ... stuff.

Just sign here for your complimentary long happy life.

Elephant Trek

Post 89


Are they well-burning flowers???

Elephant Trek

Post 90

Satan - Lord of the Underworld

But of course.

Elephant Trek

Post 91


Can I burn wells instead?

Elephant Trek

Post 92

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Please do not be decieved by the Evil One. The life as a Phred is not ardous, please do not stray!

Elephant Trek

Post 93


Can I declare Satan an infidel and burn him??!?!? smiley - bigeyes

Elephant Trek

Post 94

Satan - Lord of the Underworld

Only if you agree to eternal suffering and torment.

Elephant Trek

Post 95


Can't I just disagree with all of that and burn you anyway?
I'll do it very artistically, lighting your eyes up nicely, and keeping attention away from those ugly horns on your head...

Elephant Trek

Post 96

Satan - Lord of the Underworld

You might have some trouble burning me seeing as I'm built to survive in Hell. And I'm immortal. And I have an eternal fire raging in my belly. (breathes a foul smelling flame) See?

Elephant Trek

Post 97


Shall we smite "The Fallen One", your Eminence?

Just say the word and your zealots will spring into action.

*wonders where mari-rae has gotten to*

Elephant Trek

Post 98


*Loves a good burning challenge...*

Elephant Trek

Post 99

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Smite away my sheep.

Elephant Trek

Post 100

Satan - Lord of the Underworld

Smite away your sheep? OK then.

(Marv's flock of cute fluffy white sheep explode spontaneously in a cloud of sulphur. Evil-smelling lumps of roast lamb rain down on everyone)

BwahahahaHAHAHAAAAAAaaaahhh!!!! I love doing that. anyone else want smiting?

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