A Conversation for H2G2 London Spring meet 2007! Saturday 28th April.

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 281

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Or eat other people's cheese & chilli natchos while they're at the bar buying you a pint.

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 282

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

You'd better treat us royalties with respect, young man! smiley - tongueout

smiley - dragon
who doesn't give pardons, but accepts smiley - choc anyway

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 283


Seraphina, I most certainly do NOT wee on curtains. That would be most undignified. And everyone knows how dignified I am. smiley - winkeye

Roymondo, I am more likely to sample one of your nachos than I am to wee on curtains. However, I'll be busy eating smiley - choc.

dragonqueen, I will happily share my smiley - choc with you if no one offers you any for a nonpardon. smiley - laugh

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 284


Does the fact that i'll be recovering from turning 30 that week pardon me for drunk n undignifiedness? smiley - winkeye

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 285

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

One natcho would've been OK but, while I waited at the bar chatting with/talking at Smij, our Royal Highness Madame Legster necked the whole blinkin' plate!

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 286

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - cross
I'll turn 52 that week, so you better be celebrating *only* being 30, you young smiley - chick you!

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 287


And I'll be 58 the week following that. Kids, the whole lot of you. smiley - winkeye

Anyone who anticipates needing a bad behavior pardon should make a list of possible offenses priopr to the meet and bring the requisite number of Cadbury bars.

Seraphina, as a birthday gift you will receive a complimentary pardon.

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 288

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

ooh, what will I get?smiley - biggrin

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 289

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

I'll turn 47 that very day.....

*hint hint*

smiley - dragon
smiley - choc lover....

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 290


It'll be my unbirthday that day (and every other day that month and the months either side of it too etc etc) What do I get?

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 291

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - chocsmiley - flan

smiley - nahnah

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 292


*eats smiley - choc and then runs round other side of tree so that smiley - flan hits the (h2g2) photographer*

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 293

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

But, but, but, but, yeh, but no but yeh but the elections were rigged! smiley - erm and, and, no, but yeh, but no but, yeh aright and like he made me do it!

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 294

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

smiley - flansmiley - tomato

smiley - somersault

smiley - dragon

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 295

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hoorah! 2legs is out the shower! (about bloomin' time toosmiley - cross)

Have you moved me up yet?

smiley - chocsmiley - cake<---bribe

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 296

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Been out of the shower a while, but then I had to sound test the speaker, then cook and eat dinner, then do some other stuff, and now about to log off and back in so I can edit the atendee list smiley - biggrinsmiley - run

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 297

London Spring-Summer meet 2011- A79731967

Atendee list updated, a lot of backlog in here to trawl through so I hope I got it right and moved people appropirately or put them on the list in the right plaice etc smiley - fish ::

Definate atendees (23)

• 2legs - Too old to Flounce to young to die--H2G2 London Spring meet- A16619592 . .- I'd love a cream horn.
• Agapanthus
• Alex 'Tufty' Ashman [!]
• B'Elana [©] ACE - Minister of Abbrev.
• David B - Singing Librarian Owl
• dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed; weredoctor; SExpert... overworked and underpaid smiley - sadface
• Galaxy Babe - a holistic Researcher
• Ged (By the Power of Greyskull)
• Hati (with #5) - join the Nordic Club at A614567
• Hapi, cunning plan #5
• Hypatia - not smiling until March 27
• Mu Beta
• MazinMadFiddler - Keeper of Ferrets and Muscalids. Currently Paranoid and Depressed, so Abyssinia!!! With apologies!!!
• magwitch
• Phil
• Roymondo: If you taste the candy you'll get to the surprise. D.Perv, one of 2 Rs.
• Reddyfreddy. In with the "in" crowd. One of 2 Rs. 5th floor slider. D. Perv.
• Serephina - needs a warning label
• Teuchter - with added dust and mess
• Trillian's Child - -Spring Meet A16619592
• Titania (and Ripley, the unau teen)
• Venus.
• Virtuouschuffed

Possible Attendees (24)
• azahar
• Bagpuss
• Bald Bloke
• Babette - Dinosaur
• coelacanth - come to the London Spring meet 28th April A16619592
• Evadne Cake: Now with added jacket
• h5ringer - supplier of high quality e-Towels
• JulesK
• GreyDesk
• Kitush:Lady of the thingite, and carrier of the darkness and Official Dragon Inquisitor - Not quite with it!
• Matt
• Mr. Dreadful ("Go to Hell, go directly to Hell, do not pass purgatory, do not collect salvation.")
• Mrs. Dreadful
• Noggin the Nog
• Philipcampbell
• RadoxTheGreen - Keeper Of The Cabbits
• Stephen aka Peeb
• Skankyrich [?] - Fantasy Krikkit A20744921 - Devon Meet A20324729 - well done the Irish!
• cynthesis
• Trillian's Child - -Spring Meet A16619592
• Thatprat - Soon to make 1/2 a plane trip!
• The_Jon_m - Scout, Sub-Editor, Young, Educated and proud to be so. Bluesman of the Parish
• Wile E. Quixote
• Xantief

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 298

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

I'm afraid I always behave myself. smiley - angel Does that mean I'm not allowed to come? smiley - wah

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 299

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Has the location of the Meet actually been decided yet?

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 300


David, we will definitely need some well-behaved folks in attendance. smiley - laugh

Mr D, it's in the backlog someplace. Same place they went last time, I think. Shakespear's Great Toe or something like that.

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Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

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