A Conversation for H2G2 London Spring meet 2007! Saturday 28th April.

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 261

aka Bel - A87832164

Yay smiley - somersault

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 262


smiley - biggrin

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 263


Great news, Bagpuss. smiley - biggrin

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 264


Me too. Me too smiley - ok

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 265

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - magic

2legs can you promote me from "possible" to "definite" please?smiley - biggrin

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 266

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - biggrin The list is due for an update, probably either tonight or tomorrow I'll run through here and see who's new and who's changed positions on the list etc and try get it all updated smiley - magicsmiley - coolsmiley - boing

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 267

Skankyrich [?]

How am I supposed to be sensible about my finances when so many great people are going??? smiley - wah

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 268

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

You have* to come... I've even booked that bench for you at Kings Cross station just in case you need it smiley - winkeyesmiley - cider

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 269

Skankyrich [?]

Actually, I slept behind a large pipe... smiley - laugh

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 270

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

'so many great people'

Skanky, you really need to raise your standards mate!

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 271

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

He has been raising his standards... Unfortunatley at the same time we've both been lowering ours smiley - tongueoutsmiley - run

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 272


Can you put me on the 'definate' list aswell please smiley - biggrin

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 273

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - magicso many new peeps to meet and so many big smiley - hugs to give out!smiley - biggrin

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 274


I didn't realise my possible attendance was "news". I've mentioned elsewhere that I'd like to go, but just realised I wasn't properly listed.

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 275


There are standards? smiley - yikes

I'll be expected to behave next smiley - run

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 276

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Behaving never has been, and never will, be tolerated at a meet smiley - winkeyesmiley - erm Right, I've finished trying to fix the speakers for today smiley - headhurts and now I'm all dusty and grimey from rummaging about in the tool box of death smiley - yikessmiley - biro think I'll shower then attempt to update the atendee list smiley - magicsmiley - run

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 277


Presidential pardons may be obtained for a ....ahem....small consideration. smiley - evilgrin

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 278

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - tongueout But what is a presidential pardon when one can have a Royal pardon for a very* meger donation to the soverign smiley - alesmiley - winkeyesmiley - erm please please tell me this little washer and bolt isn't some vital part of my binding post arrangement/setup? smiley - erm I relaly don't want to have to take the speaker to bits again smiley - grovelsmiley - erm right. shower then update atendee list, then something smiley - run

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 279


Three points:

1) King 2legs is the self-proclaimed soverign of an illegal kingdom, whereas I am a bona fide, legitimately elected head of state. This results in my official pardon tumping his unofficial pardon.

2) King 2legs price for a pardon is a pint. Your President's price for a pardon is a Cadbury fruit and nut bar. My pardons are not only official, they're less expensive. smiley - angel Especially since I always share my smiley - choc bars. Does King share the contents of his glass? Would you want to share the contents of King 2legs glass?

3) Those persons in need of a pardon should also take into consideration the fact that I will still be sober enough to grant one.

suaviter in modo, fortiter in re

Sign Me up to the H2G2 Spring London Meet 2007!

Post 280


bet you don't wee on peoples front room curtains either smiley - laugh

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