A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season IX - "The Latin One"
Ormondroyd Posted May 14, 2004
Manchester City 1-1 Everton (Wanchope)
Portsmouth 2-1 Middlesbrough (Yakubu)
Wolves 2-1 Spurs (Camara)
Arsenal 3-0 Leicester (Henry)
Aston Villa 1-0 Manchester Utd (Crouch)
Blackburn 1-0 Birmingham (Stead)
Bolton 3-1 Fulham (Djorkaeff)
Charlton 2-2 Southampton (Euell)
Chelsea 4-1 Leeds United (Lampard)
Liverpool 2-0 Newcastle (Owen)
And the first goal will be scored at Stamford Bridge.
todd_abraham87 Posted May 15, 2004
Man City 1 - Everton 0 (Anelka)
Portsmouth 1 - Borro 0 (Lau Lau)
Wolves 0 - Spurs 2 (Keane)
Arsenal 3 - Leicester 0 (Henry)
Aston Villa 1 - Man Utd 2(Van Nistleroy)
Blackburn 0 - Birmingham 1 (Forrsell)
Bolton 2 - Fulham 1 (Okocha)
Charton 2 - Southampton 0 (Fortune)
Chelsea 3 - Leeds 0 (Lampard)
Liverpool 3 - Newcastle 2 (Kwell)
The first goal will be scored at Stamford Bridge
creachy Posted May 15, 2004
Arsenal 3 - 1 Leicester (T. Henry)
Villa 1 - 2 Man Utd (P. Scholes)
Blackburn 1 - 2 Birmingham (M. Forsell)
Bolton 2 - 2 Fulham (L. Boa Morte)
Charlton 1 - 3 Southampton (J. Beattie)
Chelsea 3 - 1 Leeds (A. Smith)
Liverpool 2 - 0 Newcastle (S. Gerrard)
Man City 1 - 0 Everton (C .Reyna)
Portsmouth 1 - 2 Middlesbrough (K. Harper)
Wolves 1 - 3 Tottenham (R. Keane)
And the first goal will hopefully be at Valley Parade
Ormondroyd Posted May 15, 2004
It's a kind thought, creachy, but sadly there aren't likely to be any more goals at Valley Parade for some time to come, if ever: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/b/bradford_city/3711937.stm
Did you mean The Valley, as in Charlton?
creachy Posted May 15, 2004
Yep, the Charlton game. I knew I should have checked.
Well, I guess I can be added to the list of people who can't get ground names correct
Bottletop. Posted May 15, 2004
Man City 1-1 Everton - Rooney
Portsmouth 1-1 Middlesborough - Nemeth
Wolves 2-1 Spurs - Camara
Arsenal 1-2 Leicester - Dickov
Aston Villa 1-0 Man Utd - Angle
Blackburn 1-1 Birmingham - Cole
Bolton 1-0 Fulham - Nolan
Charlton 2-1 Southampton - Euell
Chelsea 4-1 Leeds United - Lampard
Liverpool 2-1 Newcastle - Owen
Well, only just made it here this week, & looking for that top ten finnish.
Shock of the day?.....LEICESTER CITY!
Thanks Lads...good luck
creachy Posted May 15, 2004
It's gonna be close for that first goal prediction, I see Pompey are 1 nil up and United are already 2 nil up
Can I change my Villa v United prediction to 8 nil Man Utd please
creachy Posted May 15, 2004
I was gonna be faithful this week, as always, and go for United to score first. But thought I'd probably have the George Best effect and jinx it. So I chose the nice quiet gae in mid table where neither team needs to do anything drastic and therefore could get caught out.
Who did get the first then?
GreyDesk Posted May 15, 2004
Who scored first?
Put it this way. If another Pompey player scores, and Boro don't get one back. I'm on for 7 points out of that match
GreyDesk Posted May 15, 2004
Just to let you know that the fat lady is in her dressing room and is doing a few vocal exercises at this moment in time. Hai-thank-you
Mu Beta Posted May 15, 2004
While you're awaiting GreyDesk's calculations, I'm pleased to announce that all the results are in at Phantasy Phootball.
Ormondroyd Posted May 15, 2004
If my arithmetic's correct, I'm not surprised GD's checking carefully. This could be Fantasy Football's answer to the 2000 US Presidential election, with the BBC Vidiprinter replacing hanging chads and the Supreme Court!
GreyDesk Posted May 15, 2004
And I did remarkably better in B's competition than I did in this one here, where provisional results indicate that I maintain my position as the 'Southampton' of the Fantasy Football League.
GreyDesk Posted May 15, 2004
Ormy, you are quite correct. There are two player's scores that I have definitely checked twice. And in fact I think I might pop back and check them a third time
This is *not* a time for making marking mistakes
Mu Beta Posted May 15, 2004
I take it this is not related to the issue of whether I finish ahead of Egon or not, then?
Key: Complain about this post
- 41: Secretly Not Here Any More (May 14, 2004)
- 42: Ormondroyd (May 14, 2004)
- 43: McKay The Disorganised (May 14, 2004)
- 44: todd_abraham87 (May 15, 2004)
- 45: creachy (May 15, 2004)
- 46: creachy (May 15, 2004)
- 47: Ormondroyd (May 15, 2004)
- 48: creachy (May 15, 2004)
- 49: Bottletop. (May 15, 2004)
- 50: creachy (May 15, 2004)
- 51: GreyDesk (May 15, 2004)
- 52: creachy (May 15, 2004)
- 53: GreyDesk (May 15, 2004)
- 54: creachy (May 15, 2004)
- 55: GreyDesk (May 15, 2004)
- 56: Mu Beta (May 15, 2004)
- 57: Ormondroyd (May 15, 2004)
- 58: GreyDesk (May 15, 2004)
- 59: GreyDesk (May 15, 2004)
- 60: Mu Beta (May 15, 2004)
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