A Conversation for The h2g2 Assassins guild

the Assassins guild

Post 661


The blackguard! In some circles that's considered cheating!

the Assassins guild

Post 662

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - laugh

the Assassins guild

Post 663

AK - fancy that!

after this one there's only 3 posts to...!!!

the Assassins guild

Post 664

Almighty Bob, God of ludicrous over acting, suicidal telephone operators + the inability to cook a omelett without breaking eggs

U. Number:529901
Weapons: Cross bow
Magic powers:the amazing and unnerving ability to "Inhume" people for money
Living in or out of HQ:In
Thing or Thursday:Thing
E.mail adress:[email protected]

the Assassins guild

Post 665


Hi there almighty bob
I'm sure Anthea will add you when she comes online later
Welcome to the insanity though

the Assassins guild

Post 666

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

ok bob welcome to the guild
smiley - biggrin

the Assassins guild

Post 667


Hi Bob,

Do you want to join the Yahoo group where we plot against people who we have contracts on? (Well, that's what we do in theory...)

Go to F132717?thread=345484 smiley - smiley


the Assassins guild

Post 668


Name: cinnamon_spider
U. Number: U235299
Weapons: scimitar, morning star, white tiger
Magic powers: telepathy, pyrokinesis (the ability to set things on fire with your mind)
Other skills: lightning reflexes, ability to talk to animals (hence white tiger)
Gender: Female
Living in or out of HQ: Currently living in the jungles of Boongoondoo
Thing or Thursday: Thing

the Assassins guild

Post 669

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - biggrin
welcome to the Assassins guild
*hands cinnamon_spider a pacage containing a black uniform and a guild id card*

the Assassins guild

Post 670


Woohoo! Thank you! smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

the Assassins guild

Post 671

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - biggrin
no problem

the Assassins guild

Post 672


Wow someone new and excited... nice to have you on board
Don't listen to the scientists if they say we need to run some tests on you...

Oh by the way we need to run some tests on you smiley - smiley

the Assassins guild

Post 673


Don't listen to him smiley - tongueout

the Assassins guild

Post 674

Behind Geddon's wall, The Wall of death! (chemist-assassin, keeper of the hooded swan)

I agree with Khamsin ( after all he is my boss)smiley - erm

the Assassins guild

Post 675


What, to run some tests, or not to listen to him? smiley - smiley

the Assassins guild

Post 676

Behind Geddon's wall, The Wall of death! (chemist-assassin, keeper of the hooded swan)

To run some tests of course. What else do you think we scientsts do?smiley - cheers

the Assassins guild

Post 677


Um, drink coffee and talk to other scientists?

the Assassins guild

Post 678


Well as I don't drink coffee, I do on the other hand like to eat ice cream but have had a servre lack thereof for a while. And don't worry about the tests the are nothing too painful... well that depends smiley - evilgrin

the Assassins guild

Post 679


Wow you think I'm your boss, I think this is the first time in my life I have ever been in charge of anything...
I usually end up blowing something up but its all goodsmiley - smiley

the Assassins guild

Post 680

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

your head scientist
so your the boss of the other scientists
and i am the boss of everyone smiley - evilgrin

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