A Conversation for The h2g2 Assassins guild

the Assassins guild

Post 541


old last post ... so no new post

no new post because of old last post

the Assassins guild

Post 542

Acid Override - The Forum A1146917

Its the way of h2g2. Though there are those who seem to get a kick out of reserructing conversations from years ago, so its always worth leaving them up
Another newbie straight to our frount door. How convenient that they always show up here for reeducation. If we get another one soon though I may begin to suspect one of our enemies creating a new account to infiltrate the operation.
Still the w'h'ibble mistake was belivable enough...this time.

the Assassins guild - CODE RED. GUILD IN LOCK DOWN

Post 543


To join please remain out side the locked gate. do not attmept to enter. The Guild is in lock down for security reasons.

Your applicaation will be processed when we return to normal working procedure.

the Assassins guild

Post 544


U. Number:U251058
Weapons: chemicals of mass destruction
Magic powers:eating uni food
living in or out of HQ:depends on the food
Thing or thursday:thursday

the Assassins guild

Post 545

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

the Assassins guild

Post 546


hello i am the guilds second in command, the leader is currently otehrwise engaged. may i help you?

the Assassins guild

Post 547


the Assassins guild

Post 548


Name: TheDirtyVicar
U. Number: 518318
Weapons: stiletto, piano wire, poisons
Magic powers:N/A
Gender: Male
living in or out of HQ: out
Thing or thursday: Thing

the Assassins guild

Post 549


welcome, I am the guild second in command, we are currently in a state of high alert so please remain where you are. The guild leader is currently otherwise engaged. However as soon as she is avalible she will be along to welcome you officially.

the Assassins guild

Post 550


if you like you ccan try to piece together what happened.

the Assassins guild

Post 551

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

the Assassins guild

Post 552


the Assassins guild

Post 553


the Assassins guild

Post 554


the Assassins guild

Post 555

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Name: GodBen
U. Number: I'm not giving personal details to a machine.
Weapons: I don’t use weapons, you could take somebodys eye out with those.
Magic powers: This is a secret that I expect you to keep confidential. If you are in trouble and need help, then I will help you. For I am . . . Bicycle Repairman. smiley - run
Gender: Male, I think. smiley - erm
living in or out of HQ: I'm in so many places at once, it's hard to tell.
Thing or thursday: Thing!!!!!

the Assassins guild

Post 556


Excellent a new lacky...err I mean assassinsmiley - winkeye. You'll have to wait for our glorious leader to come online and add you.

the Assassins guild

Post 557

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

I have to wait for the glorious leader before I can be accepted! Am I just a number to you people? smiley - wah I mean, I can repair bicycles! Does that mean nothing to you?!

the Assassins guild

Post 558


Have you ever seen an assassin riding a bicycle?smiley - smiley

the Assassins guild

Post 559

Acid Override - The Forum A1146917

If it was an assasin you probably didn't see them at all.

Its a new breed of stealth-bicycle!

If Acid wasn't so busy messing about with our leaders mind he'd come and give you an introductory belittleing. He isn't here so I guess you get away clean smiley - ok

the Assassins guild

Post 560

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Well . . . no. It’s hard to tell who’s an assassin and who isn’t, especially if they are on a bike. But one day you might create a special cycling assassin unit, and then you might need the skills of Bicycle Repairman. Just think of the possibilities!!!smiley - wow

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