A Conversation for The h2g2 Assassins guild

The Common Room

Post 1221


exactly, everyone in the uk forgets there differences if they can slate the english

The Common Room

Post 1222


as an Englishman and a Manchester United fan i can safely say...smiley - tongueout

you're all jealoussmiley - nahnah

and before we get hours long posts on 'What is there to be jealous of', can i just state it is popular knowledge that the petty rivalries as experienced from Scotland, Wales and Ireland towards the British, are prime examples of jealousy as pointed out by some renowned psychologist whome i am sure Max will google up for mesmiley - biggrin

as for the German love lust we jst need to look at the last 500 years of history between the 2 nations to see where that comes from. i think it involves Germany marrying off it's princesses to our noblemen to keep our monarchs sweet. if i am wrong, i am sure i will be corrected.

Happy New Year if i don't see any of you til thensmiley - cheers

The Common Room

Post 1223



The Common Room

Post 1224

AK - fancy that!

Well said!

The Common Room

Post 1225

AK - fancy that!


The Common Room

Post 1226


ew gosh. I'm sorry.

The Common Room

Post 1227

AK - fancy that!

You should besmiley - nahnah

smiley - surfer

The Common Room

Post 1228

Max Conrad

It will, undoubtedly, surprise you to learn that I do not have access to "Google" or, indeed, to any site, except for the BBC one (and about forty or so others, which are completely useless).

The Common Room

Post 1229


I get the same sorta thing at school

with all the catergories and everything i think it would work better for the software with an allow list instead of a block list at school

in fact i think that would mean i could access more websites through the school network.

The Common Room

Post 1230

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

ok someone please tell me what has been going on...
i leve for a week and all chaios brakes loose

The Common Room

Post 1231

mindbits (robot, Supervisor, assasin)

*There is the sound of foot steps coming down the corridor out side*

The Common Room

Post 1232

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - bigeyes

The Common Room

Post 1233


smiley - footprints

The Common Room

Post 1234

AK - fancy that!

Ya know, Anthea, it's chaos even when you *are* here.

The Common Room

Post 1235

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - biggrin nice to feel noticed

The Common Room

Post 1236

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...*the footsteps stop...just outside the Common Room door...the
door slowly opens and Pandora peeks around the door...checking first to her left then to her right...she enters wearing black leather motercycle garb...with steletto heels no less...she hangs her cape on the coat rack and wonders about greeting everyone...then she spies MAX...a slight smile crosses her face...never had much of a poker face anyway...*Hello Max.
Mind if I join you in a drink?...*doesn't bother to check the chair for traps...after all...it IS Max's table...*

The Common Room

Post 1237


hi pan ...

The Common Room

Post 1238

Pandora...Born Again Tart

Hiya' doll....*blows a kiss toward WIRO...* I heard you were lookin' for a lil' sparkle?...*unzipps her leather shirt & a silver lema top is revealed...the room looks brighter already..* smiley - kisssmiley - winkeye

The Common Room

Post 1239


*catches the kiss*

not the kinda sparkile im looking for

The Common Room

Post 1240

Pandora...Born Again Tart

That's what YOU think! hahahahahaha smiley - winkeye

...*gracefully walks over to the juke box then gives it a good old fashiond round off kick...mellow Pink Floyd begins to pour forth...*

...*returns to Max...*smiley - redwineHope this is a good year for grapes and the like. Hey Max? Cheers!! Hmm.

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