A Conversation for Guardroom

The Training Room

Post 81

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I could always send you to Mistress Belinda, see if she can get anything out of you

The Training Room

Post 82


right HPB, your first assignment on the Vogons will be to read this A1009766 it is the history of the Terranic Armies war against themsmiley - ok

The Training Room

Post 83


i find it strange that they did not use there most deadly weapon during that war. their Vogon poetry. I gave them that gift for a reason, the least they could do is use itsmiley - cross

*skulks off into a shadow*

The Training Room

Post 84


*rests on chair with feet on table*

The Training Room

Post 85

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Something I can do for you?




smiley - blush

Sorry I thought I was in the torture room

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