
6 Conversations

This is the place for all the 'orrible little rule breakers of The Terranic Army , you will be under the 'guidence' of the 'staff ', so be extra nice to us, below is a little guided tour of our facilities. For a full listing of the Base Regiment services, go here The Base Regiment

The Office

This is where you'll find Reefgirl and Creachy drinking tea and eating cake, this is also where Court Martials will be held and justice dispensed time permitting.

The Cells

Here we have your accomodation a 6' by 12' room with bars on the door, a plank (sorry bed) and blanket, sink and toilet.

The Staff

The staff are as follows

smiley - starColonel Reefgirl .

smiley - starColonel Creachy .

smiley - modMistress Belinda
smiley - modPhenom
smiley - moonPrivate HPB

The Exercise Yard

A field is in the center of the facility with a football pitch and a basketball court. You will never see anyone using them unless really important officials are due for a visit.

The Torture Room

This is the home of Mistress Belinda, she transfered to us from the Marine Commando Club, Paddington and is well practised in the art of getting information out of the most reluctant of people. PHENOM has been know to appear as well.

The Jobs page

If anyone out there would like to be an MP just leave a note in the Signing in Room and we'll do our best to accommodate you. Make sure you bring your own kettle though.

The Training Room

To be an MP you have to go through some rigorous training and this is where it will begin, you will be given a full work out and a number of senarios to accomplish. Remember, not all is as it seems.

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