A Conversation for Guardroom

The Training Room

Post 61


go on then reefgirl!smiley - smiley

The Training Room

Post 62

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Ok a female officer is suspected of having an affair with an NCO (which is illegal in the 3 services) how do you deal with this delicate subject

The Training Room

Post 63


did they video tape it?

The Training Room

Post 64


Put it up on the Army notice board and inform her to be less biased around the men. <smiley - biggrin>

The Training Room

Post 65

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

You have to deal with this HPB, but be tactful (and no it's not me)

The Training Room

Post 66


make sure they are having safe sexsmiley - winkeye we don't wanna have to pay out on maternity leave now do wesmiley - biggrin

The Training Room

Post 67

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I don't know what happens about that, but I do know punishment for this breach of protocal is loss of rank or dismissal smiley - yikes bit of a heavy price for a bit of nookey

The Training Room

Post 68


you can't put a price on lovesmiley - loveblush

The Training Room

Post 69


Or lust in this case.

The Training Room

Post 70

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

So how would we handle smiley - winkeye it, I say we should say break it up with promises that it's over

The Training Room

Post 71


I think you'd give a humorous response!

The Training Room

Post 72

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Me!!!! Never, ok this one is going nowhere anyone got any ideas for a training exercise

The Training Room

Post 73

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

I do. training for what?

The Training Room

Post 74


well, i think we should walk around the block a couple of times and if they are still at it we throw a bucket of cold water over themsmiley - ok

training for MP's HDS. we got a recruit.

The Training Room

Post 75


Wouldn't say recruit. More like volunteer!

The Training Room

Post 76

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

is that why he tried to arrest me.

right, I agree with your plan

*holds the door open for Creachy*

I was thinking that maybe we should have some combat training as well as some interogation practice, and a class on how to work people over.

I'v all sorts of training for my Intel personel

The Training Room

Post 77

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Who are we throwing water over,

Hi HDS we'll be glad of any training ideas

The Training Room

Post 78


"Is that why he tried to arrest me?"

Errr is there some other trainee MP because the only ones arrested are creachy and Reefgirl as that was a training scenario!

The Training Room

Post 79

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

Reefgirl tried to level charges against someone, I had thought that it was me, as she tried to do it right after I arrived. When one presses charges the one charged often finds them selves in jail, which requires arrest, so I took it that some one was trying to arrest me.

The Training Room

Post 80


if you want to be arrested you just have to asksmiley - winkeye but at the moment our file on you is emptysmiley - erm

*waves empty file in the air*

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