A Conversation for The Iraq Conflict Discussion Forum

Bush AWOL?

Post 4701


Another link of interest:


Oil pure but not simple

Post 4702

Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.)

"no, I was referring to this comment:
"The evidence is strong that the majority of the American public are stupid, blind, conditioned puppets. And we have Lentilla to thank for it.""

Bloody hell, Dave. How many more places are you going to mention this? (I haven't checked the gardening message boards yet.)

If you're still smarting over something I said on another thread, answer it there.

I explained that statement and it's perfectly reasonable (if a little open to mis-interpretation).

I meant the *evidence* is courtesy of Lintilla, not the circumstance.

(Every day, Lentilla spews out evidence of her unwillingness to comprehend the basics of life.)

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4703


I was in the Physics Department at the University of Alberta yesterday and was surprised by a note in purple crayon pinned to a cork-board. "Empty Sky is a stinky liar," said the note. And Dave didn't even tell us he was coming to Canada.

smiley - winkeye

(I really am just joking. But, this whole conflict is getting way out of hand. Why can't more people fight like Jodan and I do? Oh, right: Jodan and I came here to write entries.smiley - laugh)

Bush AWOL?

Post 4704

Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.)


That's fascinating, Anhaga. And isn't it just the definition of irony?

The last paragraph says:

"Questions have been raised about whether family connections helped him get into the Guard when there were waiting lists. Bush says no one in his family pulled strings and that he got in because others didn't want to commit to the almost two years of active duty required for fighter pilot training."

Yet, an above paragraph says:

"Bush was not credited with any service for a five-month period in 1972, from May through September, according to the pay records. He was paid for two days in October and four days in November and none in December."


Oil pure but not simple

Post 4705

Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.)

"But, this whole conflict is getting way out of hand"

I agree. Sadly Dave can be a little infantile at times. Mostly it's amusing, but always it's costly to his credibility.

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4706


good point anhaga...that's why I've been writing.

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4707

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

smiley - book

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4708

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

> How can anyone, now, doubt that the invasion of Iraq had no relevance to the 'war on terror' at all? Dubya dishonours the memory of the REAL victims of terrorism by cynically using terrorism as an excuse to carry out his murderous empire building.

I don't know, and it really disturbs me to hear people say that we're safer now that Saddam is in our hands. They place the same reliance upon Bush as they do upon God, Mom, and apple pie - that is, a blind, unquestioning faith that whatever he does, it's Republican, and therefore right.

You know, of course, that Dubya's intention all along was to invade Iraq - from the moment he got into office, he was looking for an excuse.

The polls seem to indicate that he's getting more and more unpopular. I hate to be too optimistic, but I'm hearing fewer stories on the news about our brave men and women, and more stories about how they're getting blown up and shot at and killed in crashes. The media knows which way the wind is blowing...

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4709

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

> (Every day, Lentilla spews out evidence of her unwillingness to comprehend the basics of life.)

Shall we take this outside, Empty? smiley - winkeye

I don't know why you continue to badger me. I have better things to do than get in a yes you did/no you didn't argument.

Oh yeah... and yes you did.

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4710

badger party tony party green party

"The evidence is strong that the majority of the American public are stupid, blind, conditioned puppets. And we have Lentilla to thank for it."

The above statement can be taken one of to ways besause the word "it" can be seen as refering to the first OR second clause in the sentence that precedes it (the sentence "it" is in).

As Empty has taken to blaming Americans for everything else either sense of *it* could be taken from his post by the reader.

Now he accuses her of refusing to comprehend information because she commits the crime of interpreting it in a different way to him.smiley - headhurts

One love smiley - rainbow

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4711

Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.)

"The above statement can be taken one of to ways..."

Blicky, perhaps if you read the posts, you'd be better qualified to comment on them.

I understand that my original statement was ambiguous. That’s why - several times now - I have clarified it. I've made clear what I intended, so there's no excuse for interpreting it any other way.

Everyone realises this, except you.

Perhaps if you gave a little more thought to what you write BEFORE you write it, it wouldn't be necessary continually to correct you.

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4712

logicus tracticus philosophicus

smiley - bookRushes home for clarefication tabletssmiley - space (whine kit must have some left)

smiley - sillybeen left out of loop smiley - doh every one :I'm someone only everyone knows or realises!! what is meant, not someone or two blicky has been told !!smiley - spacesmiley - spaceanyone has not been told! smiley - spacesmiley - spacebut every one knows!smiley - spacesmiley - space been clarefied several times know hmm must look like Gee ?

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4713

badger party tony party green party

smiley - bookI thought this might happen and I'm not surprised it happened to you, blickybadger. (Your comprehension sometimes leaves something to be desired.)

Though perhaps I should've made it more clear and for that I apologise.

Read my sentence again. I meant that we have Lentilla to thank for the *evidence*, not for the circumstance.smiley - book

So you apologise for being ambiguous and then give me a roasting for mentioning it relation to an associated point.

Thankyou for being consistent.smiley - tongueout

smiley - rainbow

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4714


smiley - yawnsmiley - zzz

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4715

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

smiley - peacedove

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4716


kill! kill! kill! blood makes the grass grow!
smiley - peacedove

Saddam or Bush

Post 4717

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Back to the original topic- is is Saddam or Bush? Neither-

*It's Shimmer! "Is it a floor polish, or is it an ice cream topping? Why, it's both!*

smiley - winkeye

Saddam or Bush

Post 4718

badger party tony party green party

"In the paper today tails of war and of waste,
but you turn right over to the TV page".

"Dont Dream its Over" Neil Finn

Its eay to wave placrads and point the finger when its already happening or send a little money to the victims, but in all honesty I think ES is not too far of the money. Its not Lentilla or the reat of the US. Not even down to just Bush and the people behind him.

Its down to every single one of us in the world who thinks about the price of things we buy before we think about the cost. We vote everyday by being part of things we dont entirely agree with we are saying yes to the invasion of Iraq. When we buy products which have been grown on land that could be used to grwo food for the hungry we encourage disparity and disharmony. When we send money to the US through our purchases we are funding this war.

As long as we still get our home comforts we make a little noise but ultimately go along with it. Do any of us here contribute to legal funds for anyone arrested while protesting? How would you feel about blockading a weapons plant? Sarting a strike in protest?

Hitler didnt gas the Jews. It was folks like you and me. People who were so happy they had money in their pocket and bread on the table they overlooked other things. So happy with the sweet taste of national sucess that they swallowed all the Nazi's bitterness towards *other people*.

We should remember this when we sit on our comfortable sofas watching it all happen to *other people* far away.

one love smiley - rainbow

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4719

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

<< blood makes the grass grow!>>
Ah, but does it? (Offhand I'd assume it'd pretty bad for it...)

Saddam or Bush

Post 4720

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

*It's Shimmer! "Is it a floor polish, or is it an ice cream topping? Why, it's both!*

There was an interactive text adventure from Infocom called the Lurking Horror - the Frobozz Floor Polish/Ice Cream topping was great for getting rid of the psycho janitor.

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