A Conversation for The Iraq Conflict Discussion Forum

Tony, etc.

Post 4681

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

From what I hear, his poll numbers are dropping like rocks from the sky, so he actually just darn might! smiley - aliensmile

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4682

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Here's a fascinating item from a right-wing site (I like to see what the nutcases are talking to each other about.
A casus belli perhaps?

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4683

Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.)

That's fascinating, Della. It reveals a lot about the real purpose of the invasion of Iraq.

Also from the same source, this is interesting.


"According to a report in the Arabic newspaper al-Hayat, Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida terrorist network bought tactical nuclear weapons from Ukraine in 1998.

The report says the terrorists still have the "suitcase nuke" weapons and are storing them in safe places for possible use.

WorldNetDaily first broke the story of al-Qaida's purchase of suitcase nukes Oct. 3, 2002."

So alQaida has possessed a nuclear weapon for many years and it's been a matter of public knowledge since October 2002. Four months BEFORE the invasion of Iraq. This tells us that:

1) If, as is claimed, the invasion of Iraq was about WMDs it's the worst case of incompetence imaginable. The world echoes to the sound of Dubya barking up the wrong tree.

2) All the bloodshed and chaos of Bush's so-called 'war on terror' has failed to make a dent in alQaida.

How can anyone, now, doubt that the invasion of Iraq had no relevance to the 'war on terror' at all? Dubya dishonours the memory of the REAL victims of terrorism by cynically using terrorism as an excuse to carry out his murderous empire building.

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4684

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

<< The world echoes to the sound of Dubya barking up the wrong tree.>>
smiley - laughsmiley - aliensmilesmiley - laugh

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4685

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Hmmm. A pipeline to Israel full of oil....

smiley - rofl

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4686

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

smiley - book

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4687


All your trolling empty reveals a lot about you too.

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4688


smiley - erm Dave, if you're referring to Empty Sky's post 4683, I'm not sure what you mean about "trolling". That post contains a link that is quite relevent to the discussion on this thread and some reasonable inferrences based on the linked story. I'm grateful for the link; I wasn't aware of the evidence of the transfer of Ukrainian WMD until Empty Sky provided the link. It does suggest again(if anyone still had any doubts) that Bush was doing something other than what he said he was doing when he went after Iraq.

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4689


no, I was referring to this comment:
"The evidence is strong that the majority of the American public are stupid, blind, conditioned puppets. And we have Lentilla to thank for it."

besides, empty's links are as valid as this one:

dave smiley - winkeye

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4690

logicus tracticus philosophicus

smiley - book

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4691


Dave: Did you really want to give everybody your email address like that?smiley - winkeye

You see, your post about Empty Sky trolling was a reply to the post I mentioned, not to whatever post you claim to be responding to. Maybe in the future you can post your replies as replies to the actual post to which you're replying.smiley - erm

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4692


Impossible to reply to that one directly, as it's in another thread smiley - smiley

I think it's more important to get the message out, than worry about my email safety. I'm willing to sacrifice myself for the truth. smiley - angel

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4693

logicus tracticus philosophicus

besides emails can be forwarded filtered changed .

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4694


Perhaps you could be considerate of the others on this thread and provide a link when you are replying to posts on other threads. Or just reply on the other thread.smiley - smiley

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4695


"besides, empty's links are as valid as this one:"

Actually, there's a difference between the link provided by Empty Sky and the one you provide: Empty Sky's link was to an outside source which also had references to which people could go for more information. Your link was to a self made statement of flame with difficult to follow links to information about quantum mechanics. It is hard to see any relevence to this thread in the quantum mechanics. That leaves nothing but the flame. Very self-referential and post-modern, Dave. But not really helpful.

Why is Dave putting down Sir Elton?

Post 4696


Oh, and, despite your link to disparaging claims about one of Sir Elton John's early albums, I'm quite fond of the album in question, and it still speaks to me.

Why is Dave putting down Sir Elton?

Post 4697


A capitol idea anhaga: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/F19585?thread=84337&skip=6660&show=20 post 6675 I'm glad you appreciated the paradox of my statements. It's a classic. There weren't actually any links on the page I posted, but if you were able to get to my pages, and glanced at them, thank you.

Why did Elton John get knighted?

Post 4698


This just in:

"Another BBC correspondent, Jonny Dymond, says the attack may have been aimed at creating unrest among Shia Muslims, who largely welcomed last year's US-led invasion."


Oil pure but not simple

Post 4699

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Dave, ES has already clarified what he meant by that remark (Not what either you or BB took it to mean!) Did it occur to you that ES might be winding Lentilla up, playing?

Oil pure but not simple

Post 4700

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Exactly, ltp! This has arisen before, regards Sarge and Wraith.

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