A Conversation for Silver Sword - Heroville Town Square

Heroville Market

Post 81

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

Yes, I suppose it would be a good idea to have all the King's construction projects contracted out. The question is, who could do it cheaper? A mage or a giant? smiley - laugh

Umm ... the rocks in the "rock" spell have to disappear after it is cast. You can't just use the spell to produce an infinate amount of rocks whenever you need them. That would completely eliminate the need for quarrys! (or however you spell those stone-digging places)

smiley - towelNerd42

Heroville Market

Post 82


okay. Was just wondering is all (and he was really trying to help the poor frightened villagers w/over at the well too smiley - doh).

Heroville Market

Post 83


[Sharp]: "Well If my full name wasn't Sharp Ecg , (Blah,blah,bla... of secondary,tertiary and quateirnary names of family house*), then I wouldn't say, but...it seems as thought here used to be some sort of a wall. *casts smiley - bats again just for the h*ll of it, then tries out some of the overlays onto the base spell* "dingsmiley - bats!" }Ptchuunk!{ is the noise heard several times as the several smiley - bat-paperweights fall down. "Flamesmiley - bats." }Fwoosh!{**, "Ah, what the h*ll," *aims down* Ice-smiley - bats!" }Crinkl-y!{ Ground is made slippery for a little while. "& Elec.s, ey!" }Fzzt!{ "Yeah, that's what I thought, uh-huh. Oh-oh. Look out dark-magus 'cuz here I,-whooa-aaah!" *slips and falls on bum from stepping onto the frosted-over patch of ground.*
"Ow." Something (Nae someone?) is heard chuckling @ him for the stupid folly. "Hey, what're you smiley - laugh-ing @? Think that's funny does you?! ...Well, come to think of it, i s'ppose yeah,-that yeah it is,smiley - footinmouth" he replied to his so far unseen observer lamely.

: footnote: * 'cuz that's how a human does it as opposed to the dwarves' version.),
**:just like Gannon in classic LOZ games. smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Heroville Market

Post 84


[Sharp]:smiley - erm "Blasted crows!" smiley - grr *casts a spell @ them*
[Crows]: }Caw!{ }Caw-o!{ }Ack!{
smiley - magic *collects the black feathers and sticks them in a bag.*
"smiley - smiley That's what I thought." goes to the marketplace wondering where he could sell someone crow-feathers @. "Gotta be an apothecary or something what's what, somewhere's like. Or could whittle 'em inta pens..." *smiley - runs, so as to try and get there while there is still a place open (for that sort of thing).*

Heroville Market

Post 85


@ the market-place:
[Sharp]: smiley - whistles whittling brand-fresh, new feather-quill-pens.
"There we go all "X__#hundred&fifty dozen or so(rather very large crows those were). That about settles it. There."
"Excuse me ma'am," said to a shopgoer (doing what else? shopping),"Do you know of anywhere where I might be able to sell someone a decent sized-stock of quill pens by the by?"

Heroville Market

Post 86


: Oh I meant to have Sharp doing the crow blasting @ the edge of the forest. Oh wellsmiley - doh

Heroville Market

Post 87

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[Fat Merchant] Aye! I'd like some fedders! 'ow 'spensive are they?
smiley - towelNerd42

Heroville Market

Post 88


[Sharp]: "Not so much money, Mebbe a 1/2 a smiley - 2cents each or so. Got 'em offa some h*lla big smiley - monster sizea crows."

Heroville Market

Post 89

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[Fat Merchant] Well, that's a reasonable price! I'll take twenty!
smiley - 2centssmiley - 2centssmiley - 2centssmiley - 2centssmiley - 2centssmiley - 2centssmiley - 2centssmiley - 2centssmiley - 2centssmiley - 2cents
smiley - towelNerd42

Heroville Market

Post 90


[Sharp]: Thankee kindly & a good day to yeh.
*exits* still smiley - whistle-ing.
*goes back to inn*

Heroville Market

Post 91

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

smiley - whistle

Heroville Market

Post 92


[Sharp]: "I'm wondering where to buy a staff." *Looks at some shops.*
: not a terribly complicated or fancy one, necessarily. A plain old wooden one or maybe a metal one would do just fine.

Heroville Market

Post 93


[Sharp]: *enters marketplace*
"Here we go. Hot, freshly roasted batwings for sale!"
"smiley - 2cents Apiece!"

Heroville Market

Post 94


[Sharp]: *counts out 5 batwings, is willing to sell 4 of them.*
(thinking): I want to keep one though. Might just happen to need it later...

Heroville Market

Post 95


[Sharp]: *Puts 1 back away into coat pocket*
count: 4 cooked batwings,
1 stored for later.

Heroville Market

Post 96

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[Dwarven Merchant] smiley - yuk
smiley - laughsmiley - rofl
smiley - towelNerd42

Heroville Market

Post 97


[Sharp]: "No smiley - dontpanic, them's not for eatin's, they's plenty good fer potions! I'm serious. you don't believe me, yas can always goan aska smiley - witch."

Heroville Market

Post 98

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[Dwarven Merchant] smiley - sleepy Ah, not my buisiness, lad. I'm a fletcher. I make and sell arrows. Pretty poor buisiness of late. *sigh*
it might still be possible to sell to this guy smiley - laugh you're on the right track ... try to engage his interest given his particular industry smiley - wow this is fun
smiley - towelNerd42

Heroville Market

Post 99


[Sharp]: (Stretching his creative-out-of-boxing skills): "Well out over by this fields like," *indicates the field between the market and the Dark Forest from befores* "...Was a huule tona smiley - monstersize crows likes, that had plenty really nice feathers..." "...Don't knows if I have any left though, selled mosta them to this fat merchant fella awhiles before...Make great quill pens, as it turns out, by the by..."
: Like that?

Heroville Market

Post 100


[Sharp]: smiley - eureka"Now,-If'n ye, say somebody could find me some sorta a weighted throw-net kindof a thing (with a lanyard on the middle part, fer catching stuffs and holdin' onto it),-Then I could probably catch yas a whole tonna crows over theres like."

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