A Conversation for Silver Sword - Heroville Town Square

Heroville Market

Post 61


like in Monty Python and The quest for The Holy Grail.
...Sort of (kind of...not really?)smiley - cheers

Heroville Market

Post 62


[Sharp]: (Curiously): "Hello, what's this?"

Heroville Market

Post 63


:you've probably heard of the slogan "Find a need and fill it"
[Sharp]: "I wanna 'find an evil & fight it'." *Goes and leaves a note about that behind him, out where anybody may read it if they like, for the h*ll of it, because he is being arrogant & reckless again perhaps. Or perhaps to let people he has met from the marketplace know.*

Heroville Market

Post 64

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

People in the square seem to look increasingly worried, instead of (as would be normal) decreasingly, as if the more time that passes after the horrific events that occured here, the more frightening they seem.

As if the town is waiting in silence for something terrible to happen ...
smiley - towelNerd42

Heroville Market

Post 65


[Sharp]: *casts rock w/control and gusto,(and @ a smaller scale)several times, in different ways to repair some gaps from missing stones in a well in the town-square.*
*'window shops', looking at various wares from a distance, w/out buying anything.*

Heroville Market

Post 66


: completely oblivious...smiley - rofl...Or is he...smiley - laugh

Heroville Market

Post 67


[Sharp] (out in a field): *Casts 'bats'*
"smiley - grr, one of these days I'll get it right and get smiley - peacedoves instead

Heroville Market

Post 68


: 'bats' is the base form of the speel, there are other variations as well, such as here: :
[Sharp]: (practicing black magic,-for practice!) makes a bit of a yell, *casts 'Elec. bats'*
"maybe if I combine 'bats' and 'rock,' It'll be 'dingbats'?..."
several medium-light weight small bat statues are produced.

Heroville Market

Post 69


[Sharp]: *smokes a conjured bubble-pipe, & writes down his findings into the 'minicodex,' using ink & a quill pen.*

Heroville Market

Post 70


[Sharp]:"In theory, that'd mean that there are also @ least 'icebats' and 'flamebats'...I bet 'lightbat' and 'shadowbat' are harder to do."

Heroville Market

Post 71


[Sharp]: *Scritches and scribbles down notes on his new smiley - eureka hypothesis.*
"I wonder what old Herbert would have to say about that..."
:smiley - scientist? smiley - laughs. One of sorts...smiley - wizard

Heroville Market

Post 72


[Sharp]: "I may find something of a spell like 'flamesmiley - bat' useful someday." *dries quill, stoppers the ink bottle, lets letters dry and then closes smiley - book.* "Well, that's that I suppose."
*leaves field to go back to the market.*

Heroville Market

Post 73


[Sharp]: "A spell like 'flamebat' may come in useful to me someday." *dries quill, stoppers inkbottle, lets letters dry, then closes smiley - book* "I do wonder what the h*ll a spell like 'icebat' would be used for though. It's creative and might have potential applications, but..., always good to have a few smiley - weird spells to have in reserve... just in case." *w/a }Zoop!{ sound effect pen, inkbottle, &(now extinguished)pipe go all neatly back into the pockets of his longcoat @ once.*

Heroville Market

Post 74


: smiley - doh, I meant *closes clasps to his smiley - book* in that last post up there.

Heroville Market

Post 75

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

smiley - winkeye

Heroville Market

Post 76


: Yes! smiley - biggrin

Heroville Market

Post 77


[Sharp]: (thinking): Then again...
"My,my-my, I wonder what that is over there."
*Looks out over the horizon, as a formerly (more or less) uniform spot of background suddenly morphoses from into a distinctly different piece of landscape from the featureless spot it took up before.*
"Was that really there all along?" he asked puzzledly.
"If there was a forest before, It must have been not as accessable?!" Sharp *does a 'What the____' type of a doubletake as he examines it.*
It looks as though it could surely have been there (for some centuries even), albeit he could almost swear a moment ago it wasn't.
: smiley - wow

Heroville Market

Post 78

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

smiley - laugh

the Dark Forest will hopefully not be visible for long from the Marketplace because we will build a wall around the city smiley - wow

smiley - towelNerd42

Heroville Market

Post 79

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

well, actually technically we'll rebuild the old wall smiley - winkeye

Heroville Market

Post 80


: Oh, hope there are other people who can cast 'rock' ...then again, that would be kind of dangerous.
A mage's first rule of discipline (or lack thereof smiley - doh) I s'ppose. smiley - laugh.-yeah,right...
smiley - run 'Augh!' }Splat!{ }Thud.{

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