AGG/GAG - 40

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Kitchen Syncronicities
The Agg/Gag Repository of GAMES smiley - biggrinH2G2 Fiction

This week:

Spiff II - le retour!

Well, Agg/Gag has reached that landmark age of 40; without so much as a long soul-searching stare into the bathroom mirror nor the slightest sense of mid-life maudlin. Nope, that's coz we're concentrating on going out in a blaze of... well... in a blaze anyway, with the earth-shattering conclusion in two weeks time. Issue 42 - the Answer Issue. In the meantime it's another Spiff ish, so here are my picks from the depths of the guide for your edification and enjoyment.

Oh, yeah, and btw, we gotta shiney new badge! smiley -

Diamonds are a girl's best friend by Urchin

Here's something that may have escaped your attention. We all know that a diamond ring can be the beginning of a beautiful thing between two people, but now it could also be the beginning of an eternity together, possibly hanging from one each of your favourite offspring's ears! Don't forget to hit that link and browse the price list! You might want to start saving soon!

How to order pizza on the phone by Tummyfish

Thought you had already mastered this? Think again! There are untold unexplored avenues that may lead to an altogether more rewarding pizza-ordering experience. I can tell you think you can already see where we're heading here, but trust me, it's worth the trip! smiley -

The perfect G n T by Puzz Sickstoofrey

A quirky but rigorous exposition of the 'right way' to produce an acceptable example of that bastion of British drinkies. Whaddaya mean "S*d that, summer's over, I'm off to read the hot toddy item in PR?"

GnT's aren't just for Christmas, you know! Er... no... what I mean is... er... well, *I* drink them in winter too, so yaboo, shucks to you!

A Rude Awakening by Positive Feedback

As usual, something a bit more meaty to finish off with. Well, actually, it's more woody than meaty (and not in the poncy wine-tasting way) but a nicely written and thoughtful peice of creative writing.

Hey! Come back here! That was *supposed* to make you want to *read* it! smiley - Philistines!

You can still find the fruit's of Subcommander Deidzoeb's labours

at AGG/GAG Repository of Games for a Rainy Day

Copy and paste this blob as a link button for your homepage if you like.

AGG/GAG Repository of Games for a Rainy Day
smiley - donutMuch thanks to Greebo der Grimalkin for the blobbing.smiley - donut


We have been trying to assess the value of our weekly column as we draw towards our set target of 42 issues, so we cordially invite any regular AggGag readers to let us know what you think the future should hold for us in this thread . We welcome any and all feedback, from 'Don't bother guys' to 'please don't stop; i don't think i could face a world with AggGag!'.

So whaddaya say?


Ish 41 - Could this be the penultimate outing for the Popeye Chucklers

Yes, indeed it could!

We've got something a bit special lined up for our 'blaze of glory', but we are still accepting contributions, donations, offerings and suggestions
The AGG/GAG/CAC School of Thought:
smiley - sharksmiley - schooloffishsmiley - bluefishsmiley - orangefish
Subcom DeidzoebViva Zaphodista!

Martin Sie just lurves those gender-free pronouns!

~jwf~It was tough at the top; so Jay Dubya let it slide a li'l, and we took up a little of the slack.

(tonsil revenge)He's exactly what you'd imagine when you think of that screen name.
Now, tell me, what *do* you imagine when someone says, "(tonsil (revenge)"? And vhile ve are at it, vot about your muzzer? Mmm? Yes, tell me about your muzzer?

Hobbes Hobbes! Hooo-oooooo-ooobbes! Was it something we said? We love you and we want you to come home!

Sir Bossel He's here! He's there! He's every-Bossel-where! Sir Boss-el -el -el! Sir Boss-el -el -el!

Thirdgirl Definitely indefinitely off the active roster.

Zaphod Centres on the peripheral things of life.

Spaceman Spiff Er... that'd be me...

Catwoman No sourpuss


AGG/GAG Repository of Games for a Rainy Day

AGG/GAG Repository of Games for a Rainy Day


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