AGG/GAG - Special Supplement: Games for a Rainy Day

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AGG/GAG Repository of Games for a Rainy Day

AGG/GAG Repository of Games for a Rainy Day

Fiction smiley - wizard

Weird Science smiley - fullmoon First/Personals smiley - aleSatire smiley - teaKitchen Syncronicities


Subcomandante Deidzoeb digs for buried Monopoly money

I got the new d20 edition Call of Cthulhu Roleplaying Game rulebook a few weeks back.

So I've been immersing myself in role-playing, haunting gamer message boards, and thinking of newer and better ways to torment my gaming group. Made me wonder what games are lurking in the underbelly of h2g2, waiting to be found.

Wow, I found a motherload!
Besides the freeform games around h2g2, there are plenty of articles
about table-top games, board games and card games that haven't seen the light of day.

I'll try to find a new game-related entry each week for AGG/GAG,
and keep a permanent and growing list at the
AGG/GAG Repository of Games for a Rainy Day.
Here's a preview of some I think are good ones.

played on H2G2

Motorcycling Superheroes - the Role-Playing Game

For those of you who always wondered what was missing from your superhero role-playing games, here it is: motorbikes. 'Your character can be of any profession, and will be able to use the skills and knowledge of that profession. And you can also ride a motorcycle.' The fact that your superhero will be bikin' in the vicinity of Bondi Beach, Sydney, makes it even cooler than typical hero stories set in boring, old Manhattan or Metropolis.

bio of a legendary game designer

Dave Arneson

Quick: read this unedited article about the co-creator of Dungeons and Dragons. You have to do it quickly if you want to brag that you read it before it got into the Edited Guide. It would be worth reading even if the real Dave Arneson hadn't posted a reply under this guide entry, making corrections and clarifications. [Maybe it's someone else who just created the h2g2 username "Dave Arneson," but it looks like the real dude might have read this article about himself, perhaps checking search engines for his own name, as we all do now and then.]

card game

Full Body Contact SnabGrab

with weapons and body armour

Actual snippet from the rules: "...If, however, he's a more experienced player than you, he will counter your counter. Your dagger blade breaks off as it hits the reinforced back of your opponent's gauntlet. The backhand cosh blow glances harmlessly against his helmet (which he was wearing a bobble hat over so you wouldn't notice) and now his left hand, which is of course NOT pinned to the table..." (Yes, there's a card game in there somewhere.)

If these games ended too quickly for you, browse through the
AGG/GAG Repository of Games for a Rainy Day.

AGG/GAG Repository of Games for a Rainy Day

Drop a message there if you know of other entries that should be included.

We, the undersigned, undesigned, undesirables of AGG/GAG,
will still be found lurking in the slightly embarrassed
h2g2 Post.

smiley - blush
As always, we'd be much obliged if you wanted to
join us.
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smiley - wizard
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