Created | Updated Jul 11, 2003

Meet in Scotland.
July 21st looms ever closer and debate is still ongoing as to the venue of this auspicious occasion.
As far as The Post can ascertain the plan is to meet up at Central Station, possibly in that bar-up-the-stairs-wot-name-I-can't-remember-at-the-moment, tootle out to SECC and thence GSC via low-level train,
take underground up to Byres road. Grab food somewhere, I'd suggest Tennants for this, their grub is pretty good and they are close to Hillhead station. There is also a BK, pizza place, etc.
Hopefully this makes sense to all you researchers braving the wilds of Glasgow!Heading into August, we encounter the Flat Cap and Muffler Club Spring Onion... otherwise known as the Great Northern Meet Up. It is for anyone interested in beer or coffee and a few laughs... whippets and black puddings optional! The Meet will be held on the 4th August at the Trafford Centre, Manchester; there's shopping, bowling, shopping, drinking, shopping and all sorts of food available.
Times, directions and place to be announced later.
So far 24 h2g2ers have signed up for this meet including two italics with a further five possibles.
Sign up in This forum.The next Dutch Meet
Plans are underway for a repeat of the succesful Dutch Meet. The date has been arranged for the weekend of the 26th to 28th of October to give attendees plenty of advance warning and time to enjoy the hospitality when they arrive!
Abi is up to something!
More fun and games at Abi's Community Activities
Everyone who went enjoyed the The h2g2 Real-time Summer Party, 2001. Visit and record your favourite moments in the lively fora attached to the page.
Other pages picked out for a mention by Abi this week include the Musehome, more details below, the Lucky in Love Page where you can find out how to avoid getting the wrong partner, the House Of Tattoos where you can have a nice drink whilst the tattoo artist gets to work on an attractive h2g2 design and The Mutual Admiration Social Club! where you can express your love and appreciation for other h2g2ers.
Hermes Messenger Service
Do you want to send anyone on h2g2 a declaration of love, anonymous or otherwise, a birthday greeting or any other message? If so, why not visit the Hermes Messenger Service. All requests will be considered and forwarded to user pages within h2g2.
Baptism By Chocolate Milk
Visit the Musehome's Church of
Erato and indulge in a new sensation! Go on... you know you want to!
New Smileys!
Linus's campaign bore fruit, the community had their say and the new smileys are here! Check out The View at h2g2 for links and information!
Aussie Researchers Wanted!
Our sad friends from down under have been lamenting their inability to attend an h2g2 Meet. Would all Australian members please go to theAussie Researchers thread and make their presence and location known. Alternatively take a walkabout to the Australian Researchers Page and claim your personal billabong. Maybe one or two good things could come out of it!
h2g2 South African Researchers
If you live in, or class yourself as a, South African, then go along to the h2g2 South African Researchers page and introduce yourself to the others!
h2g2 Pet Store
Visit aka's Pet Store, where you can finally acquire your favourite animal on h2g2 for your pages, excluding marine life. If you want or
, then visit the F.A.S., the Fish Adoption Scheme.
Musicians Wanted!
The h2g2 Musicians Guild is the place to go if you are a musician or a music lover. A wonderful site to visit with the opportunity to join in on many and various collaborative efforts.
The Mark Moxon Appreciation Society
Why not drop along to The Official Mark Moxon Fanclub site and register your appreciation of this hard-working italic.
Ever wondered if you shared your birthday with someone famous? Want to know when a friend on h2g2 celebrates their birthday, so you can arrange a surprise virtual party or just send them greetings through the h2g2 messenger service? (see below!)
Look no further! Some Bloke has a great series of pages which give you the information you seek! Just visit the All New Researchers' Birthday Page.
All entries for this feature should be mailed to shazzPRME. Please mark the subject 'Announcements'.