Entries wot I have wrote

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Don't read this unless you have absolutely nothing better to do. It is almost certainly of no conceivable interest to anyone but me, and even I think it's sad and spoddy. But it occurred to me to wonder some things, and once I started working them out, it occurred to me to write them down, so this is where I'm writing it. It is boring. Don't say I didn't warn you.

This is a list of stuff I've written that made the Edited Guide, categorised according to how much I actually wrote. It does not include my contributions to the Peer Review Help page, or the Transgressions Procedure, which are not "Entries" as such.

Sometimes I just write an entry, and it goes in with minimal changes and additions1. These are the "sole author" entries. Sometimes I write stuff and give other people co-author credit for a single line or joke or great idea2. Sometimes I write stuff and the subeditor gives someone coauthor credit for minor suggestions they made in the Peer Review thread.3 Sometimes I start writing an entry because I want an entry on that subject, but I need help to finish it to my satisfaction4. Sometimes I get credit on entries where my contribution has ranged from the tiny5 to the non-existent6. This is where I keep track of what, and roughly how much, I've actually written.

Sole author entries: 33

A652268(the longest)
A742655(the shortest, ahem, "most concise")
A3577223 (my first seven digit edited entry...)

Entries with multiple credit which were 90%+ mine: 7


Collaboratives less than 90% mine: 24

A724970(nothing at all, really)
A730531(maybe 60% mine)
A738614(absolutely no words at all, just a link to an existing entry which seemed apposite)
A744851(about half)
A753527(a tiny, tiny amount, something to do with "smeg", I think)
A765876 (a quote from the sitcom "Spaced", so I didn't even write it, just rememebered it, really)
A765975 (some geek stuff about the order of main sequence stars, gotta maintain that nerdy image...)
A765984 (the bit about A Clockwork Orange)
A766000 (various bits of trivia)
A773778 (the last two thirds, the character profiles)
A778124 (the tale about the jeweler)
A805330 (the section titled "Magnus Force")
A812800 (about five bullet points, plus a self-promoting link to one of my own entries...)
A827381 (most of the section titled "Trading Futures" and the text of the Apostate's Creed, although not, I'm sorry to say, the title.)
A830387 (the quote in italics at in the opening section)
A848649 (Flaine)*
a23499039 (The bit about male tendency to colour blindness making males more likely to die of colorectal cancer.)
A13200058 (I have absolutely no idea what I contributed to this entry, how or when.)
A1053901 (The bullet point list of bad kissers)
A956315(Explaining redundancy to your next employer, among other snippets)
A142228(The bit about the holiday special... shudder)
A930241(Robbie Naish and Terje Haakonsen)

Summary and statistics

There are 64 entries with my name on them. I used to have some statistics here about how many words I'd written in Edited Entries, but I stopped counting after about 50,000. The average entry is probably about a thousand words, maybe more. What's interesting to me at least is my pattern of contribution. I had major spurts of contribution in July 2001, another in November 2001, and another in April 2002. This continued to November 2002, at which point there's a sudden drop off in activity. A brief flurry in June 2003 is followed by nothing at all during 2004, one single entry in 2005, and nothing again until August 2006, an entry I don't recall contributing to anyway. Then since February I seem to be slightly back in the game. Funny how things go.

Hand me my anorak, matron...

1For example, the entry on Multiple Remote Controls, where the only Editorial change was to ruin the punchline...2Like the wonderful phrase "threshold of obviousness" in the entry on Coriolis force3Contact juggling and Didgeridoos4Jet Engines - a wonderful example of people coming forward with good stuff that made what would have been a sparse entry much better and more informative5The swearwords entry, where I contributed about twenty words to do with "smeg"6The Claim to Fame Game. I contributed precisely nothing at all to the entry, but was given credit by the author because I played the game at her birthday party!

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