h2g2 Post 04.12.2000

4 Conversations

Posted: 4th December 2000


Hello to you all and welcome to your new-look Post. Pastey has been working exceptionally hard these last few weeks to update and improve this humble rendering and, I hope you all agree, he has excelled himself! Huge thanks are also due to Amy the Ant who tweaked the gifs and worked in liaison with Mark Moxon to create a Front Page which would suit both the available skins of h2g2.

Thanks also go to all the contributors, both past and present, who have sent through articles this week. This is our biggest Post yet... very fitting for the First Birthday celebrations.

The first of the back issues will be available soon, as will a full report on the recent h2g2 Get-Together in London last weekend. Suffice it to say that a good time was had by one and all, and quite a few attendees were suffering the following day, not least our own Pastey who managed to swop overnight bags with My Red Dice. We hope to provide you with a bumper crop of pictures to marvel at... maybe even some you haven't yet seen!

So... 'on with the mottley' then! We would love you to give us feedback on what is, essentially, your Post, so please feel free to comment on the articles and Front Page.

Any copy, articles, suggestions should be sent to The Editor. Please use this same address if you are interested in volunteering to become a regular contributor.



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  • h2g2 Life

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  • 1-2-1

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  • The Post Office

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