The h2g2 Post 17.05.07

1 Conversation

Posted: 17th May 2007



Exams Exams Exams Exams

If you're wondering why it took me two weeks to respond to your Post-related query, or if you're poor Leo and you're wondering if your New Yorker project is ever going to make it into Peer Review, or if you're my pineal gland (which, as I learned for my biology exam, regulates your internal biological clock) and you're pissed off because I'm not sleeping... well, the above would be the reason. Exams exams exams exams. Last year I only had one, European History, but this year I had French Language, American History, Biology and English Language, in that chronological order. I took my last one, English, Wednesday morning, and I still can't stop thinking about them. They're most of what I've been thinking about for the past few weeks.

Isn't that ridiculous? Isn't it disgusting how our culture relies on standardised examinations over the ability to write or make art or create brilliant mathematical proofs? Shouldn't we value creativity over the ability to fill in ovals with a number 2 pencil? Unfortunately, I think many of my exam essays may have resonated with that sentiment, particularly in French and English and back on the university-admissions type exam I took in January. I say 'unfortunately' because I worry that they won't like that — which is of course proof that I've fallen into 'their' trap.

And yet after history, bio and English (I didn't have time after French), while I was waiting for everyone else to finish, I wrote a letter to the exam board in each of my multiple choice booklets. All three were rambling and nonsensical largely, but I guess I asked them why they were doing it, and what they thought was gained from making everyone the same with these tests. Surely we should celebrate differences? I'm sure my letters won't be read — no doubt the booklets are put through a paper shredder, so that the questions aren't revealed for the following year's victims — but it was liberating all the same, in a way. I encourage you to do the same, if you ever find yourself sitting at a folding table in a school gym with an exam booklet and a number 2 pencil in front of you, and 15 minutes left to go before time is called.

Anyway. Due to the fact that I will be in Texas trying to win the national high school academic quizbowl championships a week from Friday through a week from Tuesday, we're not going to have an issue on 31st May. Instead, copy for the next issue will be due on Sunday, 10 June, in time for the 14 June issue. In that case I hope to see everyone submitting something, since you've so much time!

Enjoy this edition of The Post!






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