The Post 2D 05.10.06 - 08.03.07
Created | Updated Dec 4, 2007
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The Thirtieth page of Past Issue links with a brief description of some, but by no means all,
the excellent articles featured.
Happy Halloween to all, says EMR (if a bit early). She also urges everyone in the vicinity to sign up for the Autumn London Meet, although apologises for the lack of graphics in this week's edition. However, that is no reason to hinder non-graphic creative output, though, because in the best traditions of the Halloween issue we offer a spooky poem and two chilling stories. In addition we've the regular fare, including sonnets and storytimes and adventures and pies and continua and dreams and wacky worlds and travels galore. So, yep, that's it then.
After taking an issue off for real life, the Post Team returns in grand style with a wonderful issue chock-full of exciting articles (well, a little hyperbole never hurt anyone...). On the other hand, it is a pretty fine issue, if we do say ourselves, announcing The Post's 7th anniversary graphic competition and Christmas poetry competition1 and celebrating Thanksgiving. All our regulars are hard and work, including the welcome return of Terry Horowitz, a 24LAS broadcast from Japan and a trans-hemisphere Ashes commentary in the pages of Absolutely Plumb. In addition, a smattering of new stories and poetry, features and even a new cartoon ("A Day in the Life of a Time Traveller" by Terran) round things out.
A big ticking-off for readers this issue, as EMR slips into full-on wrist slapping mode over the lack of entrants in the graphics competition. Meanwhile, Websailor gets angry about taxes, Skankyrich about cricket and the SExperts - perhaps inspired by, but a little late for, Halloween - get frothy about blood. We're also treated to not just one, but two columns each from the Virtual Reinhart and h2g2 Storytime III. There's sadness as well, though, as news reaches us of the death of Galaxy Babe's father, Frank, at the age of 88.
This is an incredibly packed issue, which is a good job - the Post is now seven years old! TonsilRevenge also reaches a landmark, with his 100th cartoon featured in this very issue, and it's an appropriate one given the Post's simultaneous celebration. Escape Pod Dreams and lil in the h2g2 Poem also commemorate the occasion. Elsewhere, Not Scientific Science makes a welcome return, h2g2's President Hypatia pops in for a word with her subjects, and there is a poignant and moving account of Frank's funeral.
Ho, ho, ho! It's Christmas, and the Post's writers have a field day delivering sacks of great articles for all the good Researchers. In the crib are two excellent seasonal tales, the SExperts stumble around outside slurring their words and Smudger comes up with a real turkey. There are also no less than 11 submissions for the Christmas Poetry competitions, two festive cartoons and Awix sends a postcard from Japan. Even Websailor's badgers deliver their own version of the Queen's Speech. Frankincense suddenly seems like a pretty poor choice of gift.
The New Year issue gets underway with EMR asking all the good readers to make a resolution - to get writing for the Post! Bringing the festive season to a close, the Christmas poetry competition winners are also announced, with scorpio_witch and Clive the Flying Ostrich taking the honours. An new chapter in the long-running Great Knolly series, 'Out of...', begins, and we see the last in the wonderful Explaining... To Americans series2.
Skankyrich has done a runner to west Africa, and Shazz steps in to put a bounty on his head. As EMR is busy at college, Shazz is the sole editor this week, but frankly it's all a little too quiet for everyone's liking. There is good news, though, as the first edition of future Assistant Editor B'Elana's Random Ramblings comes in. They do say it's easier to make a resolution than keep one...
This is more like it! No less than 13 Poetry and Fiction articles, including the start of a new fan-fic series from Reefgirl; Explaining... To Americans' regular KDixonDonnelly starts new afresh with a new house-hunting column; and benjaminpmoore has some revolutionary ideas about celebrities. EMR returns, but there is no words as to the whereabouts of the Scarlet Skanky.
It's the 299th issue this week - you know what that means, right? - and EMR and Shazz appeal for lots of great writing to celebrate the 300th issue. EMR grapples with writing a website, and Shazz has some great news for Douglas Adams fans. Elsewhere, Websailor makes an impassioned plea for her readers to get involved in saving the tiger, Smudger is 'Lost Without' his TV, and the SEx Education crowd answer a query quickly for a change.
08.03.07 Edition 300
Woo! The Post is 300 issues old, on the 29th anniversary of the first-ever HHGG radio broadcast. It's a suitably large issue, too, with 33 articles of the highest quality! In fact, it's a bit of a showcase, with a bit of everything that the Post does really well: there's a mini-Meet report, a discussion of the sound toilets make, a satirical cartoon from LeRue, and a commemorative poem from lil. And if that's not enough to make you read this issue, maybe this is - a feature entitled 'How Hard Can It BE' is subtitled 'Ben regales us with tales of his nose operation'. Enjoy.