The h2g2 Post 19.03.09

4 Conversations

Posted: 19th March 2009



I'll relax

This was the title of the journal I optimistically wrote shortly after we had published the last issue. As I should have known, things didn't quite turn out as intended. First, I unexpectedly became ill. Not knowing how things would develop and whether I'd be able to do my Post work, I emailed Shazz, asking her for help. Fortunately, she was available and and immediately said she'd help . lil and Beatrice did the usual by taking on more than their share, so a heartfelt thanks to the marvellous team. Well, I recovered quickly, but then my husband decided my PC needed another graphic card (an older, less capable one than I had), and as he was at it, he decided an older hard drive than the one I had would do, too. So after two days without a PC, I once again started with an 'empty' PC. This time, I was able to retrieve some folders from the other hard drive, but most things were gone, and installing the software I need, hunting for the bookmarks I lost, etc, cost time I didn't really have. Which leads me to a request: could all our writers please just put their U-number on their submission? I know, I'm guilty of not doing it myself, but now that I had lost all my bookmarks and documents again1 I had to search for all the U-numbers and archives. Now you may think: 'But I've written for the Post for years, they know me!' and you would be right. However, I think I'm not only speaking for myself here: we certainly know your name, but we'll most likely not know your U-number.

As always, you have in front of you a great issue of the Post. Our writers cover a wide range of topics, so there's something in here for everybody. If you'd like to discuss not only the articles (which you can do at the bottom of the respective article) but Post-related things in general, you can do so in the h2g2 Post Readers' Forum. Some of our recently published articles have had 'consequences': dmitrigheorgeni joined the ranks of the cartoonists, Icy has written a follow-up article about referencing h2g2 (both of which you'll find below), and Opticalillusion has submitted her fifth article and is now the proud owner of a sparkling new Post Reporter Badge. Well done to all of them!

My thanks to the eds for not only doing their usual magic by blobbing our cartoons and photos and applying the badge, but for providing me through a very funny simulpost with my LotD2, too.

On that note: the deadline for submissions for our next issue is midnight on Sunday 29th March - and don't forget that you will have a whole hour less that Sunday!

And now I'll stop waffling and hand back the office keys to Rich who is back from the Gambia, so we should be 'back to normal' in two weeks (by which time the various errors we're having after the last maintenance of the site will hopefully be sorted, too). Enjoy this issue of the Post!



















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1I usually work in Outlook Express, saving practically everything which is important as a draft, and Outlook is always exactly the one thing I can't access after a hard drive failure/loss.2Laugh of the Day

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