This is a Journal entry by Universal Granny
Where are you-u-u-u?
Universal Granny Started conversation Feb 18, 2005
It's getting a bit creepy here. Where are all my old friends? I have made many new ones, but Evadne? daraline? Lady Neugen? McOggie? Mystrunner? Shea? Shhhhhh? Spike? Tefkat? Smudger? and many more. I have checked their spaces and, with the exception of a brief appearance from Shea, none of them have posted since at least last October, some of them for more than a year. Where are you all?
I miss you
Where are you-u-u-u?
McKay The Disorganised Posted Feb 18, 2005
Not heard from Evadne for a while, but I'm sure Tefkat was on a few weeks ago.
Don't worry Granny - it wasn't you.
Where are you-u-u-u?
Teasswill Posted Feb 18, 2005
I've thought it a bit quiet around here for a while. Some stalwarts regularly posting, but many have dropped out or are pretty infrequent. I guess RL intrudes sometimes.
Since single sign on & other changes, there seem to have been a lot of people that haven't stayed very long.
Where are you-u-u-u?
smurfles Posted Feb 18, 2005
hi there granny.i have been thinking just the same,few replies to my postings,but i am still around!!!.Think i need to mistral though,if that's okay.
Where are you-u-u-u?
Smudger879n Posted Feb 18, 2005
Hi there U/G
I think what has happened is that you have drifted away onto other threads as I am, and aways have been, still here
Still writing my wee stories for
Anyway, Im glad you have found your way back into our fold!
and I look forward to hearing form you
Where are you-u-u-u?
Triquack Posted Feb 18, 2005
I wouldn't take it personally UG, I was out of circulation due to health problems for a couple of years and found that when I met with people I used to spend ages talking to, neither of us had anything much to say, just passing the time politely. People move on, change, and lose track. I've driven through Villages where I lived as a young man and find that they are nothing like I remember.
Enjoy your new friends, you seem to have made a big hit with Kif, what a great guy don't you think.
People of our generation tend to have 'been through the Mill' a bit, maybe that's why we tend to get on so well.
Let's all have a and a
but most of all keep on
Where are you-u-u-u?
Universal Granny Posted Feb 19, 2005
Yay!!! so you were there - just hiding!!
Oh disorganised one - to be fair, I think Evadne's computer is up the creek. I have tried e-mailing her as well, and I am getting nothing back. According to Tefkat's space she has not posted for four weeks, but she always was a bit erratic, I suppose.
Shea icecream> Yes, you popped up again just as I posted that. Lovely to see you back, but you can refer to Ice Cream for more news!
JEllen I haven't heard from you for ages, I am so glad you're still around.
Teasswill - I think you are right about RL. I only find it possible to come on here because I can do it from work, but I often do not have time during the day to crank up the old computer at home.
Smurfles Mistral would be good.
Tabitca I have neglected you shamefully through all your troubles, please forgive
Smudger!! I thought you were really lost, but you are right, you have drifted into threads that I do not frequent, so it only looks like you have vanished
Triquack I do not take it personally, just miss my old friends. And yes, Kif is a great find. I know what you mean about returning to places you used to frequent. Where I used to live is now under a motorway!!!
It's so good to see you all coming to my rescue, and I have realised that to get a contact, you have to make a contact. As my Mum used to say: "The only way to have a friend, is to be one".
Take care all of you, UG
Where are you-u-u-u?
Moving On Posted Feb 23, 2005
I'm around, but haven't had much to say to any one on H2 lately - like someone else said, RL intrudes a bit, and I'm finding it more entertaining than The Threads; nothing personal, obviously. PLUS... my PC is yet again b*****d, so I utilise the local Library's one for a couple of hours a week; once I've culled my e mails I don't have a lot of time to mooch around.
Am in touch with Spike via e mails, he and his are doing fine, far as I'm aware.
And for the record....
So m'I.
Where are you-u-u-u?
helga danielsen Posted Mar 12, 2005
Hello Universal granny! Though you did not cite my name, I consider myself a friend anyway. I am sorry you feel lonely. Sometimes I looked in on you this last year, but I always had the impression you were still having lots of fun with your friends.
I am busy, that's why I have abandoned all of you who once gave me precious advice which I did not heed, though I did know better. I stayed with that man - after all, who finds men nowadays? Nobody I know. I have worked hard on creating singlehanded a sort of harmony in my household of a man, a daughter und an eleven-year-old, awafully active, grandson. They just had to follow suit. I do feel it is a thin coat of harmony (like it is for civilization) we are walking on, but that's how it is.
I have just had my eight grandchild from one of my sons, his first, and we are all delighted. I have another book to translate, all about animal genetics and am earning money again. I also have an english student. There is no retirement for me, but I am grateful for being able to work and work well. Better than sitting around with empty eyes and nothing left in life. Permit me to send my love across the wide ocean to you all in England, sentimentally farawaylady
Where are you-u-u-u?
Smudger879n Posted Mar 12, 2005
Hi there F, sounds like you need the friends you once knew on here! well they are still here
I saw a post further up this page where somemone said, "Its because people our age have been through the mill, that we stick together"
Now that sounds familuar Eh! Have a look at "Moods" one of the poems at the bottom of my page. You will see that Ive been there with you as well
But Im back with avengance now
Good luck, and donr be afraid to pop in any time
Where are you-u-u-u?
smurfles Posted Mar 13, 2005 looks as though we're all here,just no UG!!!.I do hope you're okay,and just adjusting to new family.Looking forward to another posting from you.
Where are you-u-u-u?
helga danielsen Posted Mar 13, 2005
Hello Smudger! Your answer put a happy smile on my face. I read Moods and Reflections and I am speechlessly impressed. Wonderful how you express your feelings. Don't we all just know how all that feels? I have to run now, but I'll look in on your other poems and read them all. Great! Am looking forward to tonight to my reading. It gave me also the idea of airing my own poems, because I do have some too, writting long ago. Are you still writing poems? And what are you doing nowadays? Love, F
Where are you-u-u-u?
Smudger879n Posted Mar 13, 2005
Hi There F, Im glad your writing a bit chirpier now and that you like the poems. Ive not written any poems for years now,(ever since I met MK2 I seem to have settled down
I am writing Snippets for however, in fact Ive just done one tonight
I must read some of your Poems when you put them onto your page, in fact I will add you my "mates list" in cae I loose contact
Have you got any of your writing on your page yet?
Where are you-u-u-u?
helga danielsen Posted Mar 14, 2005
Hi there Smudger. Yes, I have what I call my master piece there. It is called "The presence of love" which I wrote in a day or so. It is special to me because everything happened just the way I wrote, only it came gushing out of me after 20 years! I am going to look up my other poems and post some of them, who knows, they might bring some solidarity into somebody's life, like your poems do.
Is MK2 your present love?
Well, greetings and Love, F
Key: Complain about this post
Where are you-u-u-u?
- 1: Universal Granny (Feb 18, 2005)
- 2: McKay The Disorganised (Feb 18, 2005)
- 3: Shea the Sarcastic (Feb 18, 2005)
- 4: Ellen (Feb 18, 2005)
- 5: Teasswill (Feb 18, 2005)
- 6: smurfles (Feb 18, 2005)
- 7: Tabitca (Feb 18, 2005)
- 8: Smudger879n (Feb 18, 2005)
- 9: Triquack (Feb 18, 2005)
- 10: Universal Granny (Feb 19, 2005)
- 11: Tabitca (Feb 20, 2005)
- 12: McKay The Disorganised (Feb 21, 2005)
- 13: Moving On (Feb 23, 2005)
- 14: Mystrunner (Mar 8, 2005)
- 15: helga danielsen (Mar 12, 2005)
- 16: Smudger879n (Mar 12, 2005)
- 17: smurfles (Mar 13, 2005)
- 18: helga danielsen (Mar 13, 2005)
- 19: Smudger879n (Mar 13, 2005)
- 20: helga danielsen (Mar 14, 2005)
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