This is a Journal entry by Universal Granny

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 81

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

That is a very sweet thing and I agree , she would never expect itsmiley - cheerup << flowers not a demand to cheerupsmiley - ok

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 82

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

Actually in posting 77 I was referring to post 46 which was Tefkat...smiley - winkeye

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 83

Moving On


smiley - erm

Then why didn't you SAY? smiley - tongueout

smiley - run checks posting46

Yep. That was Tef.

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 84


Tef smiley - run

where??? smiley - run

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 85

Moving On

Oh dear....

Wake up at the back there.

(Shhhh dear; I'm on morphine and can keep up quite well. What's YOUR excuse?smiley - kisssmiley - tongueout)

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 86


smiley - erm

I bin busy!!!

smiley - run

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 87

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Missed that one post from Tefkat.
Must have been snoozing online!smiley - zzz

Wish she could feel bettersmiley - wizard

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 88


'spect she will given time eh! smiley - smiley

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 89

Moving On

Shhh...smiley - rofl You do make me laugh.....

Abi: It;d be nice if she could, wouldn't it? I'll get me magic wand out, but it's a bit limp at the moment! I hope she will, tho.

Anyone else: Choose your words to the last posting to Abi * carefully* lads...

I've walked 50 yards and back from the library without falling over....

I'm on the mend (famous last words!)
smiley - musicalnote Ain't No Stopping Me Nowsmiley - musicalnote

And am now off for a lie down to celebrate.....

Have a good weekend, each. Thank you all for all the laughter and support these last few days; I have appreciated itsmiley - ok

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 90

Moving On

Oh... PS, before I forget.....

Tri Quack: Got your note via GPO - thankssmiley - ok

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 91

Moving On


Righto - a quick up date for everyone.

I have been over to the florists and sent a large bunch "of colourfuland cheerful and LOUD (my words, florists written instructions to her florist counterpart in Granny's neck of the woods)

She may not be deafened, but I think she'll be quite pleased. I do hope so.smiley - smiley

With luck and a prevailing wind, they will be with her on Monday (ie, tomorrow - or possibly, even today, dependent upon when you read this of course.)

I had an e mail from her today telling me just how much she is looking forward to going back to work smiley - rofl She appears to be in good form.

Now, everyone look busy and change the subject, or she'll suss out we've been plotting.....

smiley - whistle

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 92


smiley - biggrin good stuff

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 93


smiley - winkeye

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 94


Now sounds like we have lost Evande for a while - til the back/pain etc sorts itself out smiley - sadface

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 95


Hi Folkssmiley - biggrin, I never be seem to be on line the same time as you any more these dayssmiley - erm as a result I tend to miss our chats. I used to be able to keep up with you all in several different threads at a time, but not now?
I am not up so much during the night like I used to be, which is good really, as it means the pills they gave me to sleep must be workingsmiley - laugh
I still read through a few threads, but dont post.
Not to worry though as I still have the snippets in smiley - thepost which I enjoy writing.
So if you dont see me, at least you know that I ma around, some wheresmiley - laughsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 96


fair enough - but is Everybody goin?? smiley - sadface

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 97


yoo hooo,I'm still here!!Good morningsmiley - smileyDid i miss a posting...where's evadne got to???smiley - run

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 98


Ooooooooooh you are here smiley - biggrin

Evadne is only here in spirit at the moment! she's still sufferin' from the back

Leads me to that old but tested phrase..................

"she's under the doctor" !! smiley - erm

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 99


smiley - laugh You lot!smiley - cool
Heres a point, where do folk go when their surfin?smiley - erm and where is the Netsmiley - erm
I mean you log onto it, use it, talk on it.....but where is itsmiley - ermsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 100

Moving On

smiley - ghost

I'm only going to admit to being under the Doctor if he is absolute sex on legs and rich.

The GPs *I've* got, I wouldn't touch em with anybodys.....

smiley - tongueout

smiley - ghost

I'll keep taking the tablets, will I? Catch y'all later smiley - kiss

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