This is a Journal entry by Universal Granny

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 141


Just had thunderstorms and I thought of Gran.

We know you're not losing it gal but have you seen the Doc, maybe some Hypnothereapy would help, can't live your life like that!!smiley - hug

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 142


Hi triquack.I thought of her too.Sounds like seeing the doctor could be a good idea.....
I still think you've been very smiley - braveabout the whole thing UG.Hope today didn't upset you too muchsmiley - hug

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 143


Twit !!

Somebody called me a Twit !!

I've been workin' years to get to that accolade level !smiley - erm

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 144

Moving On

It's just a bit dull and overcast dahn Sarf today, but I'll keep my ears peeled and keep tabs this end of the country. I know her familly are "there" if there's a prob.

And I've got GPO nMobiles if needs be. Too far to be "practical" but near enough to be aware of the weather....(? You know what I mean. Can't get the words out right)

I think Quack's suggestion of a Hypnotherapist is a brilliant one. If I were UG I know I'd give it an enormous amount of consideration.smiley - ok

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 145

Moving On

PSsmiley - rofl Twits are nice. Whats the problem?

Its when I start ignoring people or not acknowledging them you'd need to start feeling bad!

Twit! smiley - tongueoutsmiley - run

(Its a virtual smiley - run, so I can do it as fast as I like)

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 146


virtually in fact

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 147


Hi all.i can't imagine you ignoring anyone evadne!!Going to look up the definition of twitsmiley - run

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 148


smiley - biggrin

I don't think I'd better !!

smiley - erm

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 149

Moving On

Twould be interesting to know the ditionary definition of "Twit", wouldn't it?

I've always understood it comes from the middle English verb "Twit" which means to tease or entertain in a harmless and inoffensive manner.

Think I'll join you, Sal! smiley - run

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 150

Moving On

I lurch corrected. smiley - sorry

Can we take it as read - for the sake of political correctness, that I used the T word in the purest and most intellectual form, harkening back to it's Middle English origins and meant absolutely no offence, harm, detriment trauma or monosidium glutinate to the person I was refering to, nor to any reader of posting whatever it was the T word was first mentioned?

smiley - smiley

NOW you can SBIA, S'hhhh!

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 151


Still looking for the dictionary....should i give in,and just ask the children where they last had it,
Sounds like maybe i shouldsmiley - biggrin

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 152

Moving On

I cheated, and looked it up in the Google Dictionarysmiley - winkeye

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 153


Everso big SBIA

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 154

Moving On

Is that an approving SBIA or should I remain in hiding still?smiley - smiley

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 155


Neither - I tried it in Google and got the result I thought it was - not whatever it was that you got I would guess.
smiley - erm

Today has not been a great day for stuff smiley - sadface in general smiley - wah

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 156

Moving On

smiley - cheerup

You don't want to believe everything you read in dictionaries - they're full of big words that don't make any sense.

smiley - cheerup

What stuff happened thats made you... smiley - erm feel smiley - wah?

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 157


You know - just stuff - that word encompasses most stuff dunnit!smiley - erm

there's a lot of stuff - stuff happens

smiley - wah

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 158

Moving On

Its a good all round term, yes.

But what stuff in particular are you talking about?

There IS a lot of stuff, remember. We can't always guess which bit you mean!

have a smiley - rose Might buck you up a bit.

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 159


reminder to me.....must e-mail evadne!!
smiley - hughello love,i gather things went well??How are you feeling today??

Where are you-u-u-u?

Post 160


Hummmmm Evadne! rather have a smiley - stiffdrink !! smiley - tongueout

Mornin' Smurfles smiley - biggrin

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