This is a Journal entry by Hypatia
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Pandora...Born Again Tart Posted Feb 23, 2003
After giving it much thought...I've decided that there is no right or wrong way to eat a bunny.
IRL....I 'just' got a boatload or E's from you...but they'er dated all the way back to when Hector was a pup! I'll try to E you later this week...I have company Monday & Tuesday as well.
Time to run around shoving things into closets and baskets. I mean, er, time to clean the cabin.
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Pandora...Born Again Tart Posted Feb 24, 2003
That's ALL we have.
:::Pandora would write more, however, her hands have frozen to the key pad:::~Love, imac~
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Hypatia Posted Feb 25, 2003
Sends a bottle of Mexican brandy....would send cognac but am peed at teh French.
Here dear, seee if this defrosts you.
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Pandora...Born Again Tart Posted Mar 8, 2003
Well the brandy was pretty cheap...but now that I think of it, so was the Mexican!
I'm with you! No more French tongue for me! French fries. French toast, etc.
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Hypatia Posted Mar 9, 2003
Actually, Mexical brandy is awful! There's a brand called El Presidente (I's been a long time )that I got sick on back in another lifetime. Frank was a sales rep in those days and his territory was 43 counties in south central Texas. Anyway, when he visited one of the border towns in his district - usually Laredo, he'd pop across the border and buy this brand of brandy for our next door neighbor who thought it was just terrific. One hot summer night when I was too full of barbecue to walk, they got me to try the brandy. Big mistake. I threw up all night. They swore it was the food. I know it was the rotgut brandy.
I adore cognac. But I can live without it. And I can sure live without French wines. The california wines are good enough or this hillbilly. Plus, we have some local wine now! Missouri wine...honest...I'm not making this up. And it's pretty good.
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Pandora...Born Again Tart Posted Mar 10, 2003
I adore congac too...
...heated by candle light, a bit of coffee...a lover's
...and what shall I do without my French milled soaps?!?!?!
French wines have always been over rated. I spit on French wines!...*hides her French perfumes...* I use to have a wine shoppe. Some of The Lake Erie wines'll make your mouth happy jussss to be on your face!
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