This is a Journal entry by Hypatia

Let Freedom Read: Read a Banned Book - Banned Books Week - Sept. 21-28

Post 21

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - crossOh sure...Jury Duty in 'both' Counties...smiley - groanJust what
I was hoping for. smiley - tongueout

I don't eat 'fowl' things. smiley - biggrin That's another reason why I stopped 'doing time' for the community. smiley - yukEver been a vegitarian and told, "Oh, just 'pick' the meat off your part of the pizza.smiley - hangover

Ooooo...I did have something happen. Unexpectedly. smiley - biggrin I jusss love when that happens and it's a GOOD thing!
I was doing a free class on stress management here in the cabin. The ladies were all really fun...even my new Bible Thumping freind Dora! Well...after spending too much time cleaning & arranging our sitting space...the ladies showed up...
on the buttonsmiley - ok I REALLY like when that happens!~
smiley - ermBut they were all dressed sorta' funny and they had STUFF in their hands!?! smiley - ermsmiley - biggrin Hello...and what's this about????
They threw me an Old Fashion Tea Party!!! (without corrsetts)
They brought antique dishes & smiley - tea settings...put a lacey cloth on the table!~smiley - wow
(to understand how totally surprised I must understand that "i" had never...ever been to a tea party...smiley - bigeyes...I do recall something to that effect when I was, er, doing time at The Hollie Hall Charm School For Young Ladies...but I think I was out getting high that day...or sumthin'smiley - whistle) make a short story long...we had a wonderful day and the food was really yummy. smiley - zen

You know...if you advertise FREE something to eat...many of the poorer people in your area will actually come for something like: "An Hour of Gathering" or some name you will, no doubt come up with. Then you jusssss make it a yearly event. When you go to The United Way to ask for your allocation. You can
factor the amount of that in. You will be noted for your amazing ability to draw in the dynamic...and the Grange Hall will give you a trophy or sumthin' smiley - geek
smiley - ok
Talk atcha' later! smiley - pumpkin
...*betcha' my language skills, or lack of thereof drives this lady nutz...OR...she can't really tell when a key's stickin' or it's a typo... bet Hsmiley - spider wishes I would use the flippin' Preview thingie...*

Let Freedom Read: Read a Banned Book - Banned Books Week - Sept. 21-28

Post 22


Not sure I could be an honest to goddess vegan. We have lots of vegetarian meals but.........I'm addicted to bacon for breakfast. smiley - blush And I cook fish at least once a week - usually salmon. Ok, I could give up the red meat and poultry if I could keep the fish and dairy. What would that be called? Weak woman pretending to be a vegetarian! That's it! I'm a wwptbv. I've spent my entire life wondering what I am. smiley - biggrin

A real tea party. Very fancy. Did you have warm buttered scones? I can put away a lot of those.

We don't have Hillbilly charm schools. Sort of oxymoronic. If we had had, I could have realized my dream of being a high society hostess and travelling through the woods to give surprise tea parties with warm buttered scones, fine china teapots and lace tablecloths. But, alas, I'm sitting here barefoot with my tea in a Garfield mug munching on an Oreo. Life can be brutal. smiley - winkeye

Let Freedom Read: Read a Banned Book - Banned Books Week - Sept. 21-28

Post 23

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - biggrin I know jussss what you mean. We called for food dilivery and it isn't here yet. smiley - bigeyes Oh, it's only been ten minutes. Nevermind. smiley - bigeyes

I eat fish & dairy. smiley - fishsmiley - cake
My favorite food in the Whole entire World is spinich salad. smiley - bigeyes
Sometimes people think I'm just being polite or sumthin' when that's all I order for dinner. should see me pack away the crab legs!smiley - ok(only 4 mins per lb./that's what I call fast food)

Are you speaking about that big ox I dated that was a moron?smiley - bigeyes

Let Freedom Read: Read a Banned Book - Banned Books Week - Sept. 21-28

Post 24


Luv, you can date any specie your heart desires. smiley - winkeye

On my way out. Later Gator.

Let Freedom Read: Read a Banned Book - Banned Books Week - Sept. 21-28

Post 25

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - ermwell, er, that's, I...thanks.

Ooooo...I jusss discovered a way to get away with a (my friend Sue calls things 'cheap-cheaps') cheap-cheap & yummy way to streach a meal....*does the nahnah dance...*
4 eggs
1 box seasoned stuffing
1-2 pieces of ripped up bread
(salmon or tuna may be added...or anything else that ain't crawlin' away from the bowl)
form patties...deep fry on both sides 'til golden brown...and
wah-la...'crab cakes' smiley - whistle
I like to make a tangy horseradish sause for mine...*enjoys all her spare time playing on hootoo...*

smiley - bigeyes If I'm 'gater''re a crock. Right? smiley - biggrin

Let Freedom Read: Read a Banned Book - Banned Books Week - Sept. 21-28

Post 26


Your fish cake recipe sounds yummy!

Life's a crock, if you ask me.

I usually use cracker crumbs in my salmon cakes. I was out of saltines one night and substituted Cheez-Its. They were really good. Surprised me. And it made them pretty.

I make lots of soup and stew in the winter. That's inexpensive and nourishing. And Frank is a big soup fan.

I went to the grocery store this morning. They had overpurchased shrimp! smiley - biggrin I got beautiful 18-20 size already peeled shrimp for $4.95 a pound. So, we're going to have gumbo for supper. Yeah! <smiley - ok

Let Freedom Read: Read a Banned Book - Banned Books Week - Sept. 21-28

Post 27

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - headhurts
Oh yeah?!? smiley - crossWell 'we' had...smiley - ermnever mind. smiley - bigeyes

(you can also stick a shrimp or mushroom on the middle of a "crab cake"...taste jusss like those price things that you fill up on before dinner so you can take the rest home for the following day. So I'm told. smiley - whistle

1.) 2 cans red beans
2.) juice of a can of tomatoes
3.) tomato...anything
4.) chili your burn level
5.) cook it for awhile with the lid on
6.) add cut tomatoes (from the can you just opened)
wah-la...veggie chili! smiley - ok
Most people are half way thru it before they realise there's no meat. smiley - winkeye

Hey...and about beans...chep way to feed the dog's all she'll eat!! Beans!!

Let Freedom Read: Read a Banned Book - Banned Books Week - Sept. 21-28

Post 28


Wow! A bean-eatin dog. smiley - ok I'm impressed.

We do lots of pasta dishes, too. They're good and economical. And there are so many variations that we don't get bored. I'll have to hunt up some of my recipes.

I make great clam chowder, so we do that in cold weather.

Frank's surgery will be on Nov. 6. They're going to do the aortic valve and one bypass. Sure hope it works.

Gotta go spend money. smiley - biggrin A book dealer just walked in.

Let Freedom Read: Read a Banned Book - Banned Books Week - Sept. 21-28

Post 29

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - bigeyes
smiley - cheersSpend it like it's Frank's! smiley - biggrin

There's a man who's been running our library for some time now. I use to go in every once in awhile on a rainy day, sit in the window ledge and read The Prophet. Then someone bought the book for me. smiley - ermI haven't read it in a long time. I still want to go read it in the library.
Maybe I'm smiley - weird...but I was rasied going to the library in the City where I was born. I was reading aloud, with inflection, no less, by age three. smiley - biggrin (my poor mama...smiley - winkeye)
Someting about those old oak shelves...the marble busts atop each one...smiley - bigeyes
smiley - sadface Then they tore it down to put a freeway thru...and built a modern one on the other side of the City. smiley - bus
When I was dragged, kicking and sceraming to this sleepy lil' Village...I thought I would die!! smiley - ufosmiley - weirdsmiley - hangoversmiley - yuk
Then one day I discovered the library! smiley - eureka...yep, I'll be hanged...old oak everywhere. smiley - biggrin
smiley - ermBut when I would try to study whilst in college at the local was TOO NOISEY!!smiley - yikes People always speak in regular voice!smiley - tongueoutwhen they'er not shouting across the room to eachother! smiley - headhurts
smiley - puff
Is it just me?
I mean...wasn't the sound "ssshhh" invented FOR the library?
smiley - crossOnly once, that I know of, did the 'Mr-brarian' (<-- not bad for being overly tired, huh?) ever tell a group of people visiting to: "please keep their voices low as the young lady was studing for a psychology examantaion." They all sorta' moved away from me...
I said, "Hey, don't worry. If you don't have insurance, I don't care HOW crazy you all are!"

Keep me posted...I'll keep you both in my coouldn't hourt...smiley - winkeye
smiley - rose

Let Freedom Read: Read a Banned Book - Banned Books Week - Sept. 21-28

Post 30


Well, sorry to disappoint you, but libraries aren't what they used to be. This is a very rowdy place at times. Especially right after school when the teenagers hit here to use the computers. smiley - yikes

As for shussher is worn out! A body has only so many shusshes before they self-destruct.

Speaking of self-destruct...........if I don't stop playing in hootoo and get some actual work done I'll be up until midnight tomorrow to get things posted before the end of the month. smiley - cross

The book rep yesterday was really obnoxious. smiley - yuk I have a theory. Sales reps who are just too cloying to make it in any other profession decide to sell books to public libraries. I think they're all descended from Uriah Heep. And lately they've all be going through Kansas City on the way south. I know this because they bring stale boxes of Russell Stover chocolates as incentives. They must be stopping at the outlet store. Now I like as much as the next stocky librarian, but I prefer them fresh enough to still be brown. Gray chocolate is not going to encourage me to buy books.

Let Freedom Read: Read a Banned Book - Banned Books Week - Sept. 21-28

Post 31

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - laugh
smiley - strawberries&smiley - cake?
Hooked on hootoo huh? smiley - zenHave you bought yourself a h2g2 tee shirt yet? Or tattoo? smiley - bigeyes

Let Freedom Read: Read a Banned Book - Banned Books Week - Sept. 21-28

Post 32


Ooohhh! A tattoo! smiley - biggrin I've always wanted one but have never had the nerve.

It's turned off cold. smiley - cross On the other hand, that means it's soup weather. *does Snoopy dance* I made chowder Saturday with clams and shrimp and a nice piece of cod. It was yummy.

Tonight I'm going to make a hugh pot of beef stew for the fridge. I've already made three kinds of pasta sauce and stocked up on fresh fruit and salad fixins.smiley - ok My sis is coming in from Wichita to "sit" with me at the hospital. This way we won't have to do fast food which neither of us enjoy.

Am mainly pacing the floor. I can't concentrate on my work. Guess I should give it a shot anyway. *shoots "in" basket*

Let Freedom Read: Read a Banned Book - Banned Books Week - Sept. 21-28

Post 33

Pandora...Born Again Tart

....*thinks Lady-H's fridge is spoiled...'I' don't even make mine snacks...*

smiley - cdoubleI'll keep my eyes crossed for you all.
smiley - crossDang it...that's a great plan for food for the hospital...all that green gravy and green jelloe and...smiley - yuk...*makes a note in her note pad for next time she's hangin' out at the local people mill...*

smiley - rose...keeping you & yours in mine...smiley - grovel

Let Freedom Read: Read a Banned Book - Banned Books Week - Sept. 21-28

Post 34


Thanks! I'll keep you posted.

Actually, you'll probably hear more hospital stories than you want to. smiley - toffeeapplesmiley - crosssmiley - steam

Went to vote this morning. We have such an enormous Republican majority in this area that it's futile. But, I'd feel lousy if I didn't do it. I really like Jean Carnahan, and it looks like she's going to lose. smiley - sadface So that isn't improving my spirits today.

Speaking of spirits..........if we can get enough dead people to the polls in St. Louis, she might have a chance. smiley - ghostsmiley - biggrin

Let Freedom Read: Read a Banned Book - Banned Books Week - Sept. 21-28

Post 35

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - biggrinNow that, I CAN help with!
smiley - discosmiley - wizard...PUUUUFsmiley - starsmiley - snowman
smiley - sadfacesmiley - bleepsmiley - footprintssmiley - footprintsstinkin' rusty spells!
I'm going back to bed and see if I can finish that George Clooney
dream!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~smiley - run

Let Freedom Read: Read a Banned Book - Banned Books Week - Sept. 21-28

Post 36


We're still waitiing. The surgery was postponed. There's a fly in the ointment. *buzzes frantically trying to get out* Frank is allergic to heparin, which is used in the heart lung machine, so we're trying to figure out how to do the surgery without it, or how to minimize the damage if we have to use it anyway. But, he has to have the surgery or he won't last until spring. smiley - sadface

I'm supposed to know something by Wednesday. We're both stressed out and tired of waiting. smiley - cross

It is the most gorgeous day! Too bad I have to spend it with a bunch of teen aged fantasy fans who think I have nothing better to do than feed them and listen to their rapturous ramblings about Dragonlance. Today we're discussing fantasy series. *yawn*

Let Freedom Read: Read a Banned Book - Banned Books Week - Sept. 21-28

Post 37

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - sadfaceGood grief!!
...wonder if they gave him ...can't think...glands are swollen...head's pounding...what's that stuff you take when you have an allergic reaction...first thing they give you in the ER when you go in w/a rash...*hates it when she has 'brain farts'...*

My sister's having probs finding a proper knock out drug for her dlb hip replacement. smiley - puffGod I hope they come up with something! She's only 54.

I will not tire of rants about hospitals, stupid drs nor anything else! Vent away!!!!! smiley - steam Good for what ails ya'! It'll also clean the 'puter screen from the inside. smiley - bigeyes, come on...if those teens were asleep, they'ed be cute and you know it!smiley - tickle

smiley - crossYou tell those Doctors that Pandora said to BITE HER!
That outta' fix um! Hang in there Deary!! Mama always said, "Ya; get use to hangin' if you hang long enough!"

Let's see if THIS helps!smiley - discosmiley - wizard

Let Freedom Read: Read a Banned Book - Banned Books Week - Sept. 21-28

Post 38

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...benadril...benadryl...smiley - puff...'least I thought of it.smiley - bigeyes

Let Freedom Read: Read a Banned Book - Banned Books Week - Sept. 21-28

Post 39


Well, the whole thing with Frank has been like an episode from the Three Stooges from the beginning. smiley - cross

He is allergic to heparin. It kills his platelets. They think that he developed the allergy to it when they gave it to him during his bypass surgery 6 years ago. There is a variation of the drug that they give to people who are allergic to the original drug, but no one has ever used it in the heart lung machine. And they can't use the machine without the heparin because the blood would clog it up.

So we have three choices. We cancel the surgery in which case he'll be dead by summer. Or we try the other blood thinner that he's not allergic to in the machine and take the chance that it clogs up in which case he dies during surgery. Or we do the surgery with the heparin, transfuse platelets during surgery and take him off of the drug immediately when his heart is pumping on it's own again. And hope for the best.

The surgeon has called in a hematologist who is trying to track down his records from 6 years ago. Everything was put on microfiche and no one there knows how to catalog. So, finding anything means hunting. His doctors from back then have all moved away, which is making it even harder to get records. The hematologist is also contacting the manufacturers of the heart lung machine to see if they ever tested it with any other drug than the original heparin.

I'm turning into a basket case. Expect me to be incoherent by the time this is over with. smiley - weird

Let Freedom Read: Read a Banned Book - Banned Books Week - Sept. 21-28

Post 40

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - ermWell, that whole thing certainly sucks. smiley - sadface
Being a basket case won't help anyone...'cept maybe the doctors, who could refer you to one of their pals for a heafty therapy fee. smiley - geek
I smell a lawsuit brewing.
smiley - headhurtsYou know, your hubby's making history.
I can't...smiley - yuk...trouble is I CAN...I can't believe that the machine's makers never took allergies into consideration!smiley - crossIt takes the FDA 10 years to approve things like that (you're in the US, right?...hard to think)...approval of ANYthing medical is 'spossed to be checked & re-checked from ALL sides, so to speak.
I think they'er all a bunch of sit-on-thier hands rich kids.
I've even been to Congressional Hearings with regard to medical stuff.smiley - groanTo no avail, natch.
Take a slow...deap breath...then go punch the s**t out of a pillow! (sit in your car so noone can hear you scream...scream until you cry, cry until you laugh, laugh until you cry, then go take a nap.)
smiley - rose

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