This is a Journal entry by Hypatia

relax-a-late yourself...

Post 61


I had 2 people yesterday tell me what a great surgeon Frank's doctor is. Guess that's a good sign. I haven't heard about him killing anyone. smiley - ok

Also, one of my board members and her husband own a hospital in Springfield. They said they haven't heard anything negative about the surgeon and that sometimes scheduling problems arise and blah, blah. So, I figure they all stick together and won't say anything even if they know something.

And I found out that Frank's cardiologist sent his dad to this surgeon. So, he either trusts the guy or he wanted to inherit early.

The problem with going out of town is that that would only delay it more. He's weaker every day. We need to get it done asap.

Glad the gang at Crossed Purposes made me feel welcome. smiley - tasmiley - rosesmiley - stiffdrink Who does the site actualy belong to? Is it Hati?

relax-a-late yourself...

Post 62

Pandora...Born Again Tart

Hati?! Naww.....she's a newbe. Seems to be E's GF.
Kasia...the fairy...started it...wait 'til I get my new Home Page...smiley - biggrin
You'll crack up!! See..Kasia & the english language don't exactly go hand-in-hand...the name of The Pub has vareied slightly from the original... You'll see when I get my page done. smiley - winkeye

I understand about the doctors. Continue to rant. smiley - bigeyes Even firemen vent smoldering stuff out...big...strong...firemen...
smiley - bigeyesWhat was the question??????

relax-a-late yourself...

Post 63


Looking forward to it. Is Kasia still around?

I have a friend here who is from Sweden and sometimes uses interesting English. smiley - biggrin She refers to it as Swenglish. smiley - silly

You should see my office. We've been buying snacks ahead to have for a special program we're doing. I have one whole wall full of cookies, chips, pop, juice boxes, granola bars and crackers. There isn't one nonfattening item in the bunch. It's clear that the woman from the Friends of the Library who bought all this stuff isn't a nutritionist.

We're providing storytellers, games, etc (AND SNACKS) for kids while their parents are upstairs in ESL classes. We'll have a basement full of hyper kids jabbering in Spanish! But, what the heck. I'm not working those nights. smiley - ok

relax-a-late yourself...

Post 64

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - biggrinSugar um up and send um home! smiley - laugh

I love telling stories to little kids. I use to write not-so-spookie stories and read them to the kids in school around Halloween.
I had my own charity org. then, The Community Enrichment Program. It was awsome!
smiley - sadface Then when I moved on in psychology & hadn't time for the CEP...I couldn't find a single soul to take it over. I use to be in the news papers every week...smiley - yukI hated being called a community leader!! smiley - ermBut I guess it was true...cuz even though I had over 40...<--- count um, 40 volunteers, the program died as soon as I stopped leading it. smiley - wah
That's why I say I've served my TIME. Done. Fine`.

So...tomorrow's 'D' day??? D = smiley - doctor
Do you take a blanket & pillow for F to rest in the car???
On my seemingly endless trips back and forth to the Cleveland pillow was my saving grace.
...when I was in a my chubby sister was locking our purses in the trunk in the parking garage...and the chair began to roll.smiley - biggrin I said, "Sharon?" She snapped, "Just a minute Valerie Jane!" (I know when she calls me Valerie JANE to shut my mouth) I rolled down the ramp a bit...I tried to stop the chair wit my hands...smiley - no avail..."Oh Sharon?!"
smiley - cross"I said just a min..."smiley - yikes"Hang on Val!! I'm coming!"
smiley - biggrin...tap-tap-tap-tap...(she wore heels)tapity-tap-tapsmiley - pufftap-tap
...the smaller cars didn't worry me...but the long ones sorta' had me leaning to the right alot...smiley - biggrin...then I saw IT...a cement car/bump stop thingie...right above it was a lovely view of the gournds below...WAY below!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!
smiley - headhurtsI leaned to the right 'til my hair was draggin'! And...
zoom...around the corner I sailed!smiley - ok
I kept yellin' out funny stuff...which didn't help Sharon run any faster...all I could hear was tapity-tap-tap-tap..."Why'd I wear these smiley - bleeping shoes?!? Hang on!!!"
smiley - biggrinShe finally caught me an entire floor and a half down!! smiley - biggrin
We had to take the elevator back up!! I was laughing so hard!! I told her that the security garuds must be doubled over!!
She looked up at the camera!!!!smiley - headhurtssmiley - blush
...first stop was the ladies room...smiley - ok...smiley - bigeyes...I have always had the power to make people laugh until they wet temselves!!
smiley - bigeyesSuch talent. smiley - winkeye
So...the moral to the story, even if it's just foe a minute, put the brakes on! smiley - oksmiley - bigeyes Or not...depending on the behavior of the passanger!! smiley - biggrin

relax-a-late yourself...

Post 65


Whooooo! What a ride. smiley - yikes

I used to love working with kids. I did my own story times and planned all the kids programs. I have a room full of puppets and masks and silly hats, etc. and a puppe theater and a stage get the picture.

*rushes to basement to get the picture and send it to Pan* smiley - run

Then life and the bureaucracy caught up with me. Now I have so much paperwork to do that I don't have time for any of the fun stuff. I actually enjoy library work. Problem is I never get to do any of it anymore. smiley - cross

Yep, tomorrow is D-Day. I don't know if he's more nervous or if I am. He feels so bad that he says he doesn't care what happens. He told me he'd rather not wake up than to have to keep living the way he is . How's that for a cheery attitude. smiley - sadface

speechless and it only took thousands of words to prove that I'm speechless...

Post 66

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...smiley - may not be cheery, but it verywell could be honest. Do you think I'm being mean when I tell people I'll be glad when I wake up dead?smiley - ermCuz I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings...but when it's all said and done, this IS my life.
I jussss happen to an an effect/affect on everyone around me.
I think 'I' show a healthy understanding of how our energy goes on after the shell can no longer sit up and suck air.
My mama used to have nice long talks with me about how she was gonna' die before me & stuff. Made choices I made pretty easy. Most of the time.
Have you and Frank had a good long talk about how you both feel about life together and what might be AFTERlife?
I'm only prying into your inner most feelings because I know that alot of people are afraid if they SAY 'it'...'it'...whatever 'it' is, will come true.smiley - ermI sorta' take the stance that, were that true, I would have won the lottery MANY times over. smiley - bigeyes
I don't know why people left things unsaid.
I try to let everyone I care for know it...and...smiley - puff...try to let people know that I have what I call : The Knowing.smiley - zenEven though I never believed in much. Other than what I could see and touch...I've found out there's al whoooooole afterlife that just absolutely ROCKS!! smiley - cool ahhhhhh...the reward you get for living a just life.
Now, if he depressed, that's something altogether different & the
Doc outta' have details.smiley - geek
I'm a realist.smiley - tongueoutCertainly have worn alot of hats in my lifetime.
Also, it might be a good idea to relise that sometimes we mix up our feelings of excitement with stress...pretty much the same types of head spins and rushes...but if you can think more on the 'excited side' of the situation it certainly can relieve a whole bunch of unnecessarry pressure!
...*whispers...*i'll be right there holding your hand from this point forward. everything will work it'self out.
Don't be feeling like The Lone Ranger with regard to $$$ seems there's alot of 'us' Hikers in the same boat. See... my mama was right about that too...smiley - peacedovesmiley - peacedove of a feather...& all that...smiley - hug

speechless and it only took thousands of words to prove that I'm speechless...

Post 67


Frank is the psychic one in our family. He's had some remarkable experiences. That's a whole other conversation. smiley - smiley

But we both believe in an afterlife. And we both think that reincarnation is probably the way things happen......although no one can be absolutely sure. So, we think that whichever one of us goes first will be around to keep an eye on the other one. And that we've been together before and will be again.

Maybe it's wishful thinking. *sighs deeply* He's a lot more positive about things like this than I am. I'm a born skeptic.

He has always said that somehow he knows he'll live to be 100 and that he'll outlive his brothers and sisters. The past few months have shaken that faith, but he still is fairly upbeat about it. He is optimistic that the surgery can work and get him out and about again. But he feels so awful that I know he would rather die than go on like he is. He's the oldest of 6 children. One brother has already died from a heart attack. Another brother has had 2 strokes. And the 3rd brother had a heart attack.

He was always so young looking and acting for his age. People were astonished when they found out how old he was. And he's always been so active and healthy. So, when he told me he would live to be 100, I believed him. smiley - ok

speechless and it only took thousands of words to prove that I'm speechless...

Post 68

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...*thinks what the last rasin in the box looks like...glad she's not gonna' be it...*

smiley - biggrinGood luck to you both! smiley - cheers
I think that the reason most consulting doctors have wood in the front of their desks is to keep the people he's consulting with from kicking him in his...ya' know.smiley - winkeye


Post 69

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - giftsmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose
smiley - bubblysmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose
smiley - strawberriessmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose
smiley - cakesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose
smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose
smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose
smiley - rosesmiley - rose
smiley - rose
smiley - zenSafe journey!!!!smiley - peacedovesmiley - peacedovesmiley - peacedove


Post 70


So far so good. He's in ICU...looks like a blimp from all the fluids.

No bad reaction yet to the heparin, but they're testing every 2 hours. They're transfusing him with his own blood that was in storage. And have platelets standing by.

the new valve is working fine. They put in a temporary pump that they'll take out this evening.

gotta go.


Post 71

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...keeping my fingers & eyes crossed!smiley - grovel
(smiley - bleep power was out...after the thunderstorm...we're now having a snowstormsmiley - erm)
smiley - hugKeep strong!


Post 72


Hi Pan. I put a progress report in my journal. I feel like I've been in the middle of a Three Stooges episode. Or the Katzenjammer Kids. I'll be Fritz and you can be Hans. smiley - biggrin

On my way back to the hospital. smiley - run

D-DAY's....OVER & OUT!!!!

Post 73

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...*rushes to give a hug...slams into a pole...*smiley - starsmiley - bleep
smiley - bruisedSee ya' when you get back!
smiley - tongueoutTell Frank I said to quit 'burnin' daylight'!smiley - footprints

D-DAY's....OVER & OUT!!!!

Post 74


Right now I'd be happy to see him burn anything!

I'm tired, cranky, and thinking I need a good lawyer. There's an update on the Progress report conversation.
smiley - hug

D-DAY's....OVER & OUT!!!!

Post 75

Pandora...Born Again Tart

Hey!! I lost this thread into my 'older posts'....
Here...Frank'll find somthin' ta' burn with this.smiley - dragon

D-DAY's....OVER & OUT!!!!

Post 76


I like the new smilies! Not that I've memorized the old ones yet. smiley - doh

Frank is home, cranky. alternately feeling well and dreadful. Nothing suuuits him. He's either too hot or too cold, nothing tastes good, he can't hear the tv or the stereo is too loud. And he's fine until I say I need to run to the store or to the pharmacy or someplace. then he's so sick that I can't possibly leave him by himself. So it looks like I'm going to have panic attacks to deal with. Just what I wanted. smiley - cross

I'm nearly out of vacation so will have to go back to work soon. Hope I don't have to bring him to work with me.

Was your Christmas wonderful?????????? We had snow! It was glorious. 14 inches. That's really unusual for us.

Poooooor guy...

Post 77

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...time to remind the ole' geezer that he can sit up and suck air.
smiley - ermI thought that's what he wanted to do????? If he didn't want to be able to sit up and suck air...why'd he go to all that pain an' stuff?
smiley - zenI'll wait right here whilst ya' ask him.

Here's Pandora's Fan MAil addy:

[email protected]

Feel free to E me....or have the geezer E me while you're at
w*rk. Cuz I'll be like an unpaid electric bill...I'll put his lights out!
smiley - crossI'll be like a bicycle with the seat off...I'll get in his a**...
smiley - tongueoutI'll put a sign on his'll say: CLOSED! smiley - biggrin I think you catch my drift...smiley - surfer

Poooooor guy...

Post 78


Well........I was thinking of using a baseball bat if all else fails.

Men can be such wimps. Ok, I know he's had a hard time of it, but he's going to have to get a grip. The older he gets the worse time he has coping. smiley - cross

Too bad they didn't make a smiley for .

My e-mail is [email protected]. If anyone but Pan is reading this..........don't e-mail me in Korean. I don't speak Korean. (Pan of course can e-mail me in any language she chooses) smiley - biggrin

put a sign on his eye...

Post 79

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...yep, I'll put a sign on his eye that reads: CLOSEDsmiley - piratesmiley - biggrin

Do NOT try this at home...I am a trained professional.smiley - geek
I jussss happen to be a certified clinical mental health pro...I think we'll have him over himself in no time. smiley - ok

(...reminded me of when I had a charity here in the Village...The Community Enrichment Program. People actually paid money to compete in a ZERO K Race...the trophy read:* 1st Place In The Zero K Race * For going Nowhere In Nothing Flat *
smiley - biggrin It started at the sound of an air-horn. Anyone who moved lost...
smiley - all fareness...the air-horn 'was' the cause of several people moving in a rather rapid manner. smiley - headhurts
hahaha) <--- see how my mind wonders when I'm sleep deprived?! smiley - cdouble

smiley - sleepyI've been up writing all night....I want to keep the phone line open. My DEAR friend.....(my cousin's smiley - witch husband) is in University Hosp. awaiting a liver transplant...he's at the top of the list...smiley - sadface But I had one of my (for the lack of a better term) visions....I saw people who I'd even forgotten about & one's I didn't know...around his ICU bed...& 'Gary's' mom was there too...she's been dead for about 17 years or so....smiley - ghostsmiley - angelsmiley - ghostsmiley - cry

...been having this type of thing happen.....I call it 'The Knowing', as long as I can remember.
The 1st time was when I knew my grandfather was dead...I was 13 and spoiled my nephew's 1st BD party because I became hystarical & mama had to take me home. Boy she was pissed at me!!! I recall laying on the sofa, crying & the phone was the hospital saying grandad was dead!
It's not something I 'wanted' to's only natural....smiley - shrug
But when I see stuff like what I saw around Gary...I can be pretty sure... he's gonna' be outta' here.
(that's one of the reasons it was sorta' easy for me to be optimistic about your Frank...smiley - hug)

I'll write you an E Korean, natch...just as soon as I have some sleep...some food and some sex...not necessarily in that order. smiley - sleepysmiley - yawnsmiley - discosmiley - wizard...I predict another VERY short ; Tart Church Service today...smiley - whistle

put a sign on his eye...

Post 80


Wow! I know you don't want to have anything in common with a wimpy invalid, but Frank is pretty psychic. He's done some really smiley - weird things. But that's a whole other conversation! But I totally believe you. Some people just know things. Whether it's dreams or whatever........Frank has trances.

Hey, I finally got a decent computer at home. I figured I'd better go ahead and buy one since Santa didn't bother to haul his fat red behind down my chimney. smiley - cross Guess I shouldn't have had the fire lit. smiley - erm So, I'll be able to keep in touch better. My old one was worse than hopeless.

Our snow is melting. I love it when it's falling, but get tired of it as soon as it gets tracked up.

My 87 year old aunt has just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Bummer. They've given her 6 months. She has decided to refuse chemo and just wants them to keep her as comfortable as possible. I don't know anyone who has had a transplant - liver or otherwise. My cousin's daughter had CF and was on the list for a lung transplant. She got to the top of the list and they took her off of her medication in advance to see if she was strong enough for the surgery- it's been several years and I don't remember the details - and she died because she developed pneumonia without the meds. It was very sad.

Better go give Frank his night time pills.

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