This is a Journal entry by Hypatia
birds of a feather...
Hypatia Posted Jan 20, 2003
I am too busy to breathe . I really need some time just to goof off. Will check in with you later this evening. I haven't told you about my new kitty
or about my mechanic catching himself on fire.
birds of a feather...
Pandora...Born Again Tart Posted Jan 21, 2003
Oooooooo a new kitty and a hot mechanic.
...*sings a lullaby for Lady H...*...breathe, breathe in the air, don't be afraid to care...leave, but don't leave me...turn around, choose your own ground...for long you live and long you die and even if you touch the sky...the stars you'll give, the tears you'll cry...balanced on an even wave, you rush around to an early grave!! run and you run to catch up with the Sun, but it's around to come up behimd you again.
The Sun is the same in a relative way but you're older. Shorter of breath and one day closer to death! Every year is getting shorter...never seem to find the time...all you see and all you do is all your life will ever be......*falls asleep herself...dreaming of Pink Floyd songs...*
birds of a feather...
Hypatia Posted Jan 22, 2003
Strange you should mention Pink Floyd. We had a donation of Pink Floyd videos today. Small world.
On my way to bed. I'm too tired to even think.
My car is running again. If it has to be towed one more time, the mechanic will need more that a magazine to put himself out.
birds of a feather...
Pandora...Born Again Tart Posted Jan 24, 2003
Not 'strange' grasshopper...everything in the universe is having a dance.
I, Pandora shall repair your metal beast!
Either that...or a nice wine will appear in your hand.
My spells might not be what they use to be...but the wine has aged nicely.
birds of a feather...
Hypatia Posted Jan 24, 2003
Ah, some things are better aged......
And some new things are pretty nice, too. Like new friendships.
I'm trapped in a nightmare of paperwork right now. Still trying to catch up. Better get at it. And I have books to deliver to shut-ins today. And I just remembered that it's trash day and I didn't get the barel out before I left Not to mention that we're out of coffee and I forgot to go by the store on my way in. So, that's a quick run I'll have to make. It's always something.
Gotta have coffee!
birds of a feather...
Pandora...Born Again Tart Posted Jan 27, 2003
I love new friends...
Hate coffee!!!
...what was is Doug Adams use to say about deadlines???
Something like....I love deadlines...something about the sound as they pass by...
birds of a feather...
Hypatia Posted Jan 27, 2003
Hey Pan, have you checked out the conversations yet on 360? It's a sister site to h2g2. Smaller. Fewer researchers. But I like the concept. It's "changing the world by degrees" and some of the discussions are about environmental issues, peace, philosophy. Some of the contributors are more interested in having real conversations that the ones I've run into on hootoo. Some of it is rubbish, too. It's not perfect. Anyway, the person in charge is named Maggy and she's trying to get it going. If more people start dropping by, her numbers go up and maybe she'll get properly funded.
You can find it at To join the environmental society go to U191190. Or to find some conversations go to A894990. Or check out my conversations on my home page. They're listed as from 360 rather that from h2g2.
I like Maggy. And she's a writer, so the two of you should get along.
I'm in the middle of a funk. Wish I had something really fun to do. Did I tell you that I joined the Random Quotes Guild?
I'm working on my quotes book. I'll random quote you when you least expect it. Bhaaaahaaaahaaaa.
birds of a feather...
Hypatia Posted Feb 7, 2003
Art thou well?
birds of a feather...
Hypatia Posted Feb 9, 2003
I knew an Art once who was generally all wet. He was a stuck up Anglofile who was unfortunately, so he constantly told everyone, stuck in hell...meaning Missouri.
Wonder whatever happened to him? Someone must have shot him by noqw. In which case I'm sure he's in a better place.
birds of a feather...
Pandora...Born Again Tart Posted Feb 10, 2003
Stop listing my lovers and get into a fancy gown for the Valentine Dance at The CP Pub!
I've already hooked one, er, I mean I'm dancing.
birds of a feather...
Hypatia Posted Feb 12, 2003
Ah, reality rears it's ugly head. Too much work...not enough time. And way too much bureaucratic BS to wade through. But, hey! The dog show is on tonight.
That always cheers me up. Except the poodle always gets in the finals. That really annoys me. You can't convince me that every damn year the poodle deserves to be best in group. It has to be rigged.
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- 101: Pandora...Born Again Tart (Jan 19, 2003)
- 102: Hypatia (Jan 20, 2003)
- 103: Pandora...Born Again Tart (Jan 21, 2003)
- 104: Hypatia (Jan 22, 2003)
- 105: Pandora...Born Again Tart (Jan 24, 2003)
- 106: Hypatia (Jan 24, 2003)
- 107: Pandora...Born Again Tart (Jan 27, 2003)
- 108: Hypatia (Jan 27, 2003)
- 109: Pandora...Born Again Tart (Feb 6, 2003)
- 110: Hypatia (Feb 7, 2003)
- 111: Pandora...Born Again Tart (Feb 8, 2003)
- 112: Hypatia (Feb 9, 2003)
- 113: Pandora...Born Again Tart (Feb 9, 2003)
- 114: Hypatia (Feb 9, 2003)
- 115: Pandora...Born Again Tart (Feb 10, 2003)
- 116: Hypatia (Feb 10, 2003)
- 117: Pandora...Born Again Tart (Feb 11, 2003)
- 118: Hypatia (Feb 11, 2003)
- 119: Pandora...Born Again Tart (Feb 11, 2003)
- 120: Hypatia (Feb 12, 2003)
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