Journal Entries

Life... don't talk to me about life...


Sorry... just had to let that one out... it was killing me!!!

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Latest reply: Apr 9, 2001

THE h2g2 Cat

Is me so famous on h2g2 that me is now being used by the guide in their banner ads???? ~grin~

Does that mean me is an official BBC personality....

Does this mean they have to pay me...

Does this mean me gets to meet ~sigh~... Ilya????

Does this mean me is more famous than... er... a very famous BBC personage...

Does this mean... me gets my own tv series???

The adventures of Greebo... with her sidekick Ploppy the wolverine...

~Bad boy Ploppy... get down you naughty Wolverine... (Audience goes hysterical)..~

Does this mean me gets to star in my life story opposite Peter Perves???

Does this mean me gets to go on Blue Peter and get a badge and everything...

~Greebo shows off her GASBadge... and then realises it's been stolen along with everyone else's~

Oh me is so proud of this moment.. ~Greebo is at the Oscar's~... Me would like to thank all my good friends at H2G2 without whom me would be an ordinary arange cat... a very cute and sexy orange cat... but ordinary non the less... ~Greebo gushes... and then grins winningly at Steven Spillburger~ ... Of course me will star in your latest film Steve... ~Greebo winks~.. for the right price of course...

~Greebo goes off in a little world of her own...~

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Latest reply: Apr 5, 2001

Spring Cleaning...

Me is sorting through old entries... throwing stuff away... seems like a good time to do it... out with the old and in with the... er.. well... not quite new... but things with a subtle shine to them... indicating a state of newness... that is almost not old...

GAS is still there... albiet without the GASBadge... me liked designing that... maybe in time to come me will be able to get one on the h2g2 server... after all... there's no harm in it...

H2IQ is back... well... it will be if researchers want it... hmmm... that had a nice little graphics button as well... ~shrugging of cute little shoulders~

Greebo's Party is still running... over a year old... no guests yet... but hopefully with time... it will be back to its former glory...

However sad me feels at the changes in some parts of h2g2... me is rather glad to have it back... tis like coming home after an unexpected time away... GREAT seeing all you guys again... old and to be friends...

~big happy grin~

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Latest reply: Mar 7, 2001

Greebo is shy me thinks...

Sorry... me has gone shy.. so my picture is no longer available for all my many... many... many... many fans to admire and worship...
Oh well... could be worse... maybe... ~grin~

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Latest reply: Mar 5, 2001

Merry Chrimbo

Hi everyone...
Me is away for Chrimbo... but me couldn't leave you all without leaving you a chrimbo message...

Me really does hope you have the bestest chrimbo ever... with lots to eat and drink... friends to play with... and a warm bed to sleep in... Me hopes Santa visits... and you wear the grinniest grin ever...

Me wubbles you lots and lots... and you are all ym bestest ever friends...

Merry Chrimbo... and a smashing NEW YEAR to you all...

Greebs... xxx

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Latest reply: Dec 23, 2000

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