This is a Journal entry by GreeboTCat

Spring Cleaning...

Post 1


Me is sorting through old entries... throwing stuff away... seems like a good time to do it... out with the old and in with the... er.. well... not quite new... but things with a subtle shine to them... indicating a state of newness... that is almost not old...

GAS is still there... albiet without the GASBadge... me liked designing that... maybe in time to come me will be able to get one on the h2g2 server... after all... there's no harm in it...

H2IQ is back... well... it will be if researchers want it... hmmm... that had a nice little graphics button as well... ~shrugging of cute little shoulders~

Greebo's Party is still running... over a year old... no guests yet... but hopefully with time... it will be back to its former glory...

However sad me feels at the changes in some parts of h2g2... me is rather glad to have it back... tis like coming home after an unexpected time away... GREAT seeing all you guys again... old and to be friends...

~big happy grin~

Spring Cleaning...

Post 2


It's just good to be back isn't it. smiley - smiley
*air kiss*
and look what I've got!
*produces a large bottle of bolly and 2 glasses* smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly
Something to drink sweetie?
smiley - fish

Spring Cleaning...

Post 3


Well... you know me... does me ever say no... ~grins, as Greebo air kisses Coely back and then grabs her from her tank and gives her a BSK before plopping her back into the water...~
Sorry about that Coely... me just missed you so much... and ~blush~... you taste rather great you know... just that hint of old fish parfum... gets me going every time... ~mega grin~

Spring Cleaning...

Post 4


*Swims to the bottom of the tank, just out of paws reach, and smiles a big toothy grin through the glass.*
Hmmm. If we weren't such good chums, I'd be a little worried!
Now, I do hear tell that once more, you have rather more time on your paws these days. smiley - sadface
smiley - fish

Spring Cleaning...

Post 5


Alas tis true my dear Coley... no job... but me not to unhappy about it... me has been unwell for a few months... and well... they couldn't hold my position for me... ~sad smile~... me wasn't surprised... but me will miss the work... and the people there...

Both Stooby and me have decided to wait on another job until me is well again... so me will have a few weeks with spare time on my hands... boy oh boy... the little flat has never been so tidy... ~grin~

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