Journal Entries


Me has an account with BT... and its playing up... my usual email account is forwarded to my bt one and then sent to me... but as bt says...

23/11/00 20:30

We are currently investigating a problem with email, where email redirected to BT Internet addresses via a third party may be returned as undeliverable.

Please bear with us as we endeavour to resolve this problem as quickly as possible.

Meanwhile we apologise for any inconvenience.

So if anyone is having trouble reaching me... then don't panic... try this account until everything is sorted out...

[email protected]

Me is not sure what has happened to anything that has been sent between 21st November and 25th November... It may be lost forever... so if you have sent me a competition entry... or anything at all... then it might be lost in cyber land...

Please send it again... to the above address...

Sorry once more for any trouble...

Greebs... xxx

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Latest reply: Nov 25, 2000


Hi all...

Just a little warning... about a new virus making the rounds...

Feliz Navidad! A virus dressed up like a cyber-Christmas card
is making the rounds. If you get an e-mail with the attachment
Navidad.exe, don't open it.

Haven't heard what exactly it does... ~grin~... but then... if its a virus... who cares... just don't open it...

Greebs... xxx

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Latest reply: Nov 14, 2000

I like ~grin~

I like the new version of h2g2... especially being able to be notified of new conversations in certain forums... very useful that... ~grin~

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Latest reply: Nov 11, 2000

Me is having a little twouble

Hi all...
Sad news... ~sad grin~... me is having a little twouble with my modem... its sporadically saying that its not there... so... me may not be around as often until me has it fixed...
Oh well... thats what you get for going away and leaving your pc behind me guesses... ~grin~

Huggles Greebs... xxx

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Latest reply: Oct 11, 2000

Where Has She Gone?

In case anyone wonders where me has gone during the up and coming week, then have no fear... for me will once more be gracing h2g2's pages.

Me just not going to be around a computer for a whole week... ~sniff~...

Me is not sure how me will cope... me has done it before me knows... but... me had withdrawal symtoms... ~Greebo sniggers to herself~

So in the famous words of Arnie Schwarzenegger...



Greebs xx

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Latest reply: Sep 28, 2000

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