This is a Journal entry by GreeboTCat

Me is having a little twouble

Post 1


Hi all...
Sad news... ~sad grin~... me is having a little twouble with my modem... its sporadically saying that its not there... so... me may not be around as often until me has it fixed...
Oh well... thats what you get for going away and leaving your pc behind me guesses... ~grin~

Huggles Greebs... xxx

Me is having a little twouble

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*hugs Greebs*

I'll pass on the message hon. smiley - tongueout

Me is having a little twouble

Post 3


Help! Get it fixed! Come back!

The doughnuts are piling up in a tempo much too fast!
h2g2 will drown in doughnuts if you don't come to the rescue soon!!!


(and I want you to update the scoreboard smiley - winkeye)

Me is having a little twouble

Post 4


Me is hanging on by the claws... so don't worry to much... ~grin~... Me thinks the scoreboard is correct now... but then... ~bigger grin~...

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