This is a Journal entry by GreeboTCat

Where Has She Gone?

Post 1


In case anyone wonders where me has gone during the up and coming week, then have no fear... for me will once more be gracing h2g2's pages.

Me just not going to be around a computer for a whole week... ~sniff~...

Me is not sure how me will cope... me has done it before me knows... but... me had withdrawal symtoms... ~Greebo sniggers to herself~

So in the famous words of Arnie Schwarzenegger...



Greebs xx

Where Has She Gone?

Post 2


*gets some some nice warm doughnuts and some milk ready for Greebs return*

Where Has She Gone?

Post 3


Oh... these doughnuts are somewhat stale Menza!!!!!

Where Has She Gone?

Post 4


And the milk is a bit pongy too. Never mind have a fresh batch. smiley - smiley

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