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Grebo and the case of the missing 'E'

Ev'ning all...

Me was strolling along... minding me own business...when me noticed that an 'E' had gone missing from my name... in very mysterious circumstances...

Me needs clue's.... and me needs them now!!!!

Any help would be greatly appreciated...


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Latest reply: Jun 15, 2001

Stoooopid or what... decided to wash my wanted to be quick as Stooby's parents were coming down for a visit...~grin~...not sure why..but after knowing them for over a year me still got to look just so when they visit...~bigger grin~

Me went to the bathroom...set the temprature of the shower...and proceeded to wet down my fur... When my fur was nicely damp.. me got the bottle of two-in-one shampoo and applied...

~Greebo thinks to herself~... Hmmm... don't think much of this shampoo...there's no lather...

Me then rinsed off my fur and roughly dried it in the large fluffy towel supplied for that likes to let my fur dry naturally when me me decided me had time to let it dry...after all Stooby's parents were going to ring when they are nearly here...and me can finish drying it if necessary....

GREEBO: Stooby does my fur look odd?
STOOBY: No its fine...

Me ran my paws through my felt horrible...and quickly ran to the bathroom to check... it looked wet and greasy... me brushed and brushed it...

GREEBO: What's happened to my fur?
STOOBY: It looks fine...don't worry...
GREEBO: It would help if you looked at it when you said that!!!
GREEBO: It's terrible isn't not know what has happened...

Me then ran back to the bathroom to rewash my fur...and it was only then that me realised that me hadn't washed my fur in two-in-one shampoo... but in conditioner instead... Me wouldn't of thought that it would have caused my fur to look and feel so horrible...stoooopid Greebo... anyway... me rewashed and then blow dried... and it looked purrrrfect... what a silly ass me is... ~grin~

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Latest reply: Jun 7, 2001

Electric love

If only my heart would listen
If only my mind would forget
If only I could live my life again
If only we had never met

I could never live without you
I dread the thought of being alone
No written words of electric love
No whispered thoughts down the phone

Just your voice can make me feel so good
It caresses my mind, making me want you so bad
Just the thought of your touch, does things to my mind
Being without you, would make me so sad

But I know in my heart you will never be mine
Even though my love will be yours forever
To you I am but a passing thought, soon forgotten
And I must survive without you, but stop loving you... never.

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Latest reply: May 25, 2001

To a special friend...

Douglas Adams, along with Terry Pratchett and Anne McCaffrey shaped my growing years. With nose always in a book me grew older and entered a big world. It is strange to feel so personally saddened by someone who me had not even met, my heart feels unbearably sad and the world seems a colder place.
Me will treasure even more now the card that Douglas was kind enough to sign, along with all the italics at h2g2 towers. It was sent when Stooby and me got married, and me still remembers the excitement of seeing that signature so unexpectedly on the card. Thankyou for your kindness Mr Adams.
It is so sad when someone dies so young... It is hard to understand why and how it could of happened...Me is not sure how much comfort his family will get from the outpouring of grief from the h2g2 comunity..but me is sure that to know that someone was loved and admired as much as Douglas Adams was..must help in a small way.
Stooby and me had just finished watching the tv series on video tape...Me had not watched it for years...and it is still as funny as it was all those years ago when it was first on the tv, a legacy to be proud of me thinks.
Thankyou for allowing us to share in your world Douglas Adams, thankyou for Arthur Dent, Ford Prefect, Trillian, Zaphod Bebblebrox and Marvin, for me thinks there is a little piece of each of them in everyone of us here at H2G2.
Me raises my glass, to share a toast with you, the friend we all felt we had in you, even though we had never met, and thankyou also for giving us the world of The Hitch Hikers Guide, to share and enjoy, and make friends with a whole universe of fellow researchers.

Cheers DNA!!!

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Latest reply: May 12, 2001


Do you know how difficult it is finding h2g2 on the bbc site... almost impossible if you didn't know the name.. tut..

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Latest reply: May 2, 2001

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