This is a Journal entry by GreeboTCat

Electric love

Post 1


If only my heart would listen
If only my mind would forget
If only I could live my life again
If only we had never met

I could never live without you
I dread the thought of being alone
No written words of electric love
No whispered thoughts down the phone

Just your voice can make me feel so good
It caresses my mind, making me want you so bad
Just the thought of your touch, does things to my mind
Being without you, would make me so sad

But I know in my heart you will never be mine
Even though my love will be yours forever
To you I am but a passing thought, soon forgotten
And I must survive without you, but stop loving you... never.

Electric love

Post 2


Hey, Greebs...You write this yourself?

Electric love

Post 3


Hiya...sorry me took so long replying... me only just noticed your question... ~sheepish grin~

Yes me did write the poem myself... a couple of years ago...


Electric love

Post 4


Wow...that is very good Grebby smiley - hug

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