This is a Journal entry by GreeboTCat


Post 1


Me has an account with BT... and its playing up... my usual email account is forwarded to my bt one and then sent to me... but as bt says...

23/11/00 20:30

We are currently investigating a problem with email, where email redirected to BT Internet addresses via a third party may be returned as undeliverable.

Please bear with us as we endeavour to resolve this problem as quickly as possible.

Meanwhile we apologise for any inconvenience.

So if anyone is having trouble reaching me... then don't panic... try this account until everything is sorted out...

[email protected]

Me is not sure what has happened to anything that has been sent between 21st November and 25th November... It may be lost forever... so if you have sent me a competition entry... or anything at all... then it might be lost in cyber land...

Please send it again... to the above address...

Sorry once more for any trouble...

Greebs... xxx

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