This is a Journal entry by GreeboTCat

Greebo is shy me thinks...

Post 1


Sorry... me has gone shy.. so my picture is no longer available for all my many... many... many... many fans to admire and worship...
Oh well... could be worse... maybe... ~grin~

Greebo is shy me thinks...

Post 2



I miss the cute Greebo graphic. smiley - sadface

Greebo is shy me thinks...

Post 3


A non moving graphic of Greebo is still on the h2g2 server... it ran foul of the bbc/h2g2 lawyers... but... they have not removed it yet... me is wondering if me could get away with snicking onto my homepage... and what would happen when it was discovered... ~grin~

Would me be thrown off h2g2...
Get a warning...
Be hung... drawn and quartered...

What should me do... be a rebel... or leave things be... after all Cyril looks very nice... don't you think...

Greebo is shy me thinks...

Post 4


If its already on the h2g2 servers they must have cleared it. So you could link to it, if they decide they don't like it they will take the picture away. You will probably just get a "we have moderated your page" email.

They did that to my pub (<sob&gtsmiley - winkeye I have to change its name. smiley - cry

Greebo is shy me thinks...

Post 5

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

And my ice cream van is gone too. smiley - sadface Although, to be fair, it was "borrowed" from the sleeve of a KLF single. smiley - winkeye
*huggles Greebo and presents her with a smiley - donut*

Greebo is shy me thinks...

Post 6


*hands over a glass of smiley - milk, at arms length naturally* smiley - winkeye

Greebo is shy me thinks...

Post 7


Wow... thankyou most kindly... ~grin~... tis so good to back amongst friends again... ~Greebo eats the doughnut and sips the milk...~

You don't know how much me has missed your cute little faces... and that strange smell that seems to accompany you Menza... ~cheeky grin~

Good Doctor... me thinks that you are looking well... ~Greebo jumps on the E.V.'s head and then bounces over to Menza's... enjoying herself hugely jumping back and forth...~

Greebo is shy me thinks...

Post 8


Must be time for a bad hair day. smiley - winkeye

Greebo is shy me thinks...

Post 9


Me thinks your hair is absolutely stunning... ~grin~... Oooppsss... er... should it come out in tufts like this?

Greebo is shy me thinks...

Post 10


Well it probably needed cutting anyway. smiley - bigeyes

Greebo is shy me thinks...

Post 11


~Greebo inexpertly tries to cover the rather large hairless space with her fluffy tail...~

Don't you worry Menza... it looks just fine... ~confident grin~

Greebo is shy me thinks...

Post 12


I'm assuming that a mirror would be a bad idea then. smiley - winkeye

*passes over a smiley - donut*

Greebo is shy me thinks...

Post 13


~Greebo eats doughnut quickly... getting sticky paw prints over Menza's hairless patch~

Er... hmmm... pish posh... a mirror indeed... you can be so funny at times Menza... ~grin~... but thats why me wubbles you so much...

~Greebo sniffs at Menza's head... and then proceeds to lick the sugar off~

Greebo is shy me thinks...

Post 14


That smiley - tickle's

smiley - smiley

Greebo is shy me thinks...

Post 15


Oh me oh my... ~shy grin~... is one allowed to do that on the BBC?

Greebo is shy me thinks...

Post 16


Well we will have to see if it gets moderated won't we. smiley - winkeye

Greebo is shy me thinks...

Post 17

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*pulls hat down further over his ears*

Greebo is shy me thinks...

Post 18


Thats OK EV, Greebs removed the top of it earlier. smiley - winkeye

Greebo is shy me thinks...

Post 19

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)


Greebo is shy me thinks...

Post 20


The hat


See, you pulled it down so low your ears are sticking out the top. smiley - winkeye

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