This is a Journal entry by GreeboTCat

THE h2g2 Cat

Post 1


Is me so famous on h2g2 that me is now being used by the guide in their banner ads???? ~grin~

Does that mean me is an official BBC personality....

Does this mean they have to pay me...

Does this mean me gets to meet ~sigh~... Ilya????

Does this mean me is more famous than... er... a very famous BBC personage...

Does this mean... me gets my own tv series???

The adventures of Greebo... with her sidekick Ploppy the wolverine...

~Bad boy Ploppy... get down you naughty Wolverine... (Audience goes hysterical)..~

Does this mean me gets to star in my life story opposite Peter Perves???

Does this mean me gets to go on Blue Peter and get a badge and everything...

~Greebo shows off her GASBadge... and then realises it's been stolen along with everyone else's~

Oh me is so proud of this moment.. ~Greebo is at the Oscar's~... Me would like to thank all my good friends at H2G2 without whom me would be an ordinary arange cat... a very cute and sexy orange cat... but ordinary non the less... ~Greebo gushes... and then grins winningly at Steven Spillburger~ ... Of course me will star in your latest film Steve... ~Greebo winks~.. for the right price of course...

~Greebo goes off in a little world of her own...~

THE h2g2 Cat

Post 2

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Ooh. I'm now "friend of Greebo, the famous tv personality".

smiley - biggrin

I had thought that the cat in the ads was smiley - blackcat who had got fed up with standing in such a silly position and had wandered off to see the world. But I see I was mistaken. smiley - winkeye


Amy the Ant

THE h2g2 Cat

Post 3


~Greebo grins coyly~

Me is still the same Greebo... even though me is famous on the bbc now...

~Greebo huggles Amy back~

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