This is a Journal entry by GreeboTCat

Merry Chrimbo

Post 1


Hi everyone...
Me is away for Chrimbo... but me couldn't leave you all without leaving you a chrimbo message...

Me really does hope you have the bestest chrimbo ever... with lots to eat and drink... friends to play with... and a warm bed to sleep in... Me hopes Santa visits... and you wear the grinniest grin ever...

Me wubbles you lots and lots... and you are all ym bestest ever friends...

Merry Chrimbo... and a smashing NEW YEAR to you all...

Greebs... xxx

Merry Chrimbo

Post 2


Aah. Thank you sweetie. smiley - kiss
I'd like to wish you everything you would wish for yourself. It's been quite a year for you. Hi to Stoobie too. smiley - smiley
smiley - fish

Merry Chrimbo

Post 3


Happy new year Greebs, I hope you had fun over the holidays. smiley - smiley

Merry Chrimbo

Post 4


FUN!!!... me and fun go hand in paw you know... ohhhh... me had a super duper time... ~grinny grin~... bestest chrimbo ever... and me didn't eat one doughnut...

Merry Chrimbo

Post 5


*senses unsaid thing and hands over a box of smiley - donut's*

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