Nationstates... The Game, The Players is a tongue-in-cheek nation simulation game. It was started on November 13th 2002 by author Max Barry, primarily as a bit of publicity for his new book, Jennifer Government, and then became one of the most popular sites on the net, attracting almost half a million people in its first year. It now appears that the site is more popular than the book. Evidently the thrill of running your own country and having the fate of millions1 resting on your every decision appeals to a lot of people.
Hootooers Harbor...
A region of the world created on an archipelago of islands risen from the ocean especially for the sake of h2g2 researchers, seeking calm beaches to provide respite from the world of BBCi error messages.
- The Holy Empire of Tieclan
U99875 - Queendom of Midsummernight
U135628 - Democratic Republic of Hadzimehmedovic
U148120 - The Grand Duchy of Blessedness
National Animal: the Ferret
Currency: the Kabab
U150533 - United Socialist States of Selly Oak and Harborne
U185843 - The Allied States of Blue Brasil
U515639 - The Democratic Republic of Crookes
U165955 - The Empire of Zurgaz
- The Free Town of Hussassan
- The Disputed Territories of Zero-Two>
- The Democratic Republic of Khizanishvilistan
U194798 - The Kingdom of Schmeliesoques
U201249 - The Rogue Nation of Ousgg
U190397 - The Grand Duchy of Anguria
U115522 - The Most Serene Republic of Thomasina
U998752 - The Queendom of Bizzarroworld
U998753 - The Commonwealth of Aoxomoxa
U53353 - The Free Land of Youghiogheny
U53353 - The Armed Republic of Herbert the Cactus
U173821 - The Principality of Rumboldania
U534308 - The Most Serene Republic of The prophet Zarquon
U232333 - The Commonwealth of Cowes
National Animal: the cow
Currency: the cowe
U201497 - The Most Serene Republic of Wrinkled Socks
U155915 - The Protectorate of Unciale
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Add me to the list | Jun 13, 2013 |
Heya... | Jan 3, 2005 |
Hello from Specific Basin | Jul 22, 2004 |
so I'm here, now what? | Jun 1, 2004 |
Proposal generation? | Apr 22, 2004 |
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31 is the least lonely number for Hyp4Prez | No Posting | Nov 11, 2019 |
Day, umm ... One | No Posting | Dec 7, 2018 |
Back from the lunch break, at least temporarily | No Posting | Apr 2, 2016 | that's all folks! | No Posting | Jan 9, 2016 |
Tennis | No Posting | May 28, 2015 |
Researcher U547996
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