Ok, so this is me.....

Hi there,

I am a 25 year old female. I have been married for 2 years and live in the South West with my husband and two cats. I am a biomedical scientist working in the microbiology department of a district general hospital. Sometimes this is the best job in the world and more recently it has been like hell on Earth, but that's another story.

I also see myself as a bit of an all round musician, primarily a flautist but if you give me an instrument, i'll play it! I love being able to play so many things, it's a challenge more than anything else. I also find that in times of stress, putting emotion into my music is one of the best ways to relax and unwind - or if I want to stay on the good side of the cats then a warm soapy bath is less offensive to their little ears!

I like all kinds of music really except for heavy boom boom dance music and certain types of jazz. I really enjoy listening to female singer / songwriters such as Eva Cassidy, Tori Amos, Sheryl Crow, Shania Twain and basically anything else that I can wail away to in the car!

I don't watch that much tv, but when I do, it is usually the comedy channel or (sorry) home improvement channels! Filmwise I prefer action movies with lots of guns and cars (that's not a reflection of my personality, it just sounds good on the surround sound!) The best ones to show it off are the Matrix and Saving Private Ryan.

Don't have any strong beliefs really, I just tend to sit on the fence until I pick up on something that hits a nerve then I give it my full dedication and fight for it with all I have. I stand strongly behind the National Health Service, even though it tends to treat its staff like dirt, and I suppose like a lot of other people I pride myself in having very high morals - sometimes so high that I get on people's nerves!

I am a born worrier and suffer from chronic hypochondriasis! I have learnt to laugh at myself though which I think is quite a good quality to posess when you're a worrier. The happy pills and counselling have also done a lot to aid me in this matter.

Don't worry if I seem to have painted a rather freakish image of my personality. I am a very caring person and look out for my friends. Friendship is one of the most valuable assets in life.

Take care.


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