This is the Message Centre for Lemony

hi sweetie

Post 1

leo mckern [space for random exotic word juxtaposition generator]

hi sexy, seen the photo and very nice too. there'll be a photo of moi coming soon!smiley - smooch

hi sweetie

Post 2

leo mckern [space for random exotic word juxtaposition generator]

hi scrumptiousness!smiley - kiss

hi sweetie

Post 3


Hi gorgeoussmiley - loveblush

hi sweetie

Post 4

leo mckern [space for random exotic word juxtaposition generator]

when can you come up to Brum? or meet somewhere else?

hi sweetie

Post 5

leo mckern [space for random exotic word juxtaposition generator]

well honey I'm going to bed in a minute so sleep tight, I'll be thinking of you xxxsmiley - smoochsmiley - loveblush

hi sweetie

Post 6

leo mckern [space for random exotic word juxtaposition generator]

still all aglow and buzzing! xxx

hi sweetie

Post 7


You know I'll be thinking of you too. I just pray that I don't sleeptalk!

Can't wait to speak to you again. I'll check my e-mails on every break as usual.

Longing to be with you. smiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - love
smiley - smooch

hi sweetie

Post 8


Miss you! smiley - smooch

hi sweetie

Post 9

leo mckern [space for random exotic word juxtaposition generator]

lay awake thinking about yousmiley - loveblush
hope I can get with what I need to do today!
miss you toosmiley - kiss
smiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - love

hi sweetie

Post 10


I woke up at 4 this morning and all I could think about was you.
I will feel eternally guilty though because it's not just harmless words anymore. The thoughts and emotions are most definitely real.

Are you sure no-one can read this?
Work is going to be so much more enjoyable from now on!

I kept your pictures in my inbox so i could look at them at work but just remembered that I can't seem to view any pictures at work. Never mind, i've got them stored somewhere that I can see them constantly anyway.smiley - loveblush

Still can't believe this is happening. Speak soon xxx
smiley - smooch

hi sweetie

Post 11

leo mckern [space for random exotic word juxtaposition generator]

I can't believe it either - its so sudden. feeling so horny last night thinking of you, wishing you were beside me!smiley - smooch
want you so muchsmiley - loveblushxxxx

hi sweetie

Post 12


I think that is why it is so exciting. Until yesterday I had no idea you felt the same way. Although I was kind of hoping after that post on the BBC - you remember? The one where you replied 'you know I love you really'?

Yep, I read that one over and over again - hopingsmiley - smooch

You're not just playing games are you?
Have to check!

hi sweetie

Post 13

leo mckern [space for random exotic word juxtaposition generator]

no, I wouldn't do that mel honeysmiley - kiss
that message was showing my feelings for you even then - like you I'm quite shy in some respects
thinking of you

hi sweetie

Post 14


I shouldn't have questioned it sorry!

I desperately wanted to reply to you then but didn't in case that wasn't what you meant and I put my foot in it.

I want you so badsmiley - smooch

hi sweetie

Post 15


8 minutes before I start work. I could stay here and wait for your messages all day long and not get bored.

Desperately want to meet you, I'll be thinking of you constantly.

smiley - lovesmiley - love

hi sweetie

Post 16

leo mckern [space for random exotic word juxtaposition generator]

want to meet you so much too honeysmiley - smoochsmiley - smooch
long to caress and kiss yousmiley - loveblush
I'll be thinking about you all day too

must go shopping in a minute thosmiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kiss

hi sweetie

Post 17

leo mckern [space for random exotic word juxtaposition generator]

smiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - love

hi sweetie

Post 18


With any luck by the time you read this we will have spoken.

Cool, i'm going to phone you nowsmiley - loveblush

hi sweetie

Post 19

leo mckern [space for random exotic word juxtaposition generator]

sorry to miss your call! the cold had affected my battery so I had to turn my phone off. will charge it now I'm in the house

thinking of you honeysmiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - smooch

smiley - love

hi sweetie

Post 20


I have been clock watching all morning just waiting for your next message. I will come back in about 20 mins after having something to eat - also there is someone else here at the moment.

Miss yousmiley - smoochsmiley - love

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