This is the Message Centre for Lemony

hi sweetie

Post 101

leo mckern [space for random exotic word juxtaposition generator]

sounds like a great opportunity! would like to help you in your studies my darling - very muchsmiley - smooch
words fail me - i feel so deeply for yousmiley - loveblush
we were meant to be together my darling smiley - love

hi sweetie

Post 102


I'd better get off and get my beauty sleep. I'll be dreaming sweet dreams of you my darlingsmiley - loveblush

Can't wait to speak tomorrow - i will text you to let you know where I am and what i'm doing. You really are everything to me - so special.

Lots and lots of love and kisses
Speak tomorrow gorgeoussmiley - love

Night nightsmiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - smooch

hi sweetie

Post 103

leo mckern [space for random exotic word juxtaposition generator]

good night sexpotsmiley - smooch
love you so muchsmiley - loveblush
speak tomorrowsmiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - love

hi sweetie

Post 104


Hiyasmiley - hug

My heart is beating with the anticipation of speaking to you again, I wish we could chat properly.
Are you home tomorrow? Have you got your meeting at some point?
I'm home all day tomorrow, so i'll be needing some stimulationsmiley - winkeye

Speak soonsmiley - love

hi sweetie

Post 105

leo mckern [space for random exotic word juxtaposition generator]

i've got the group - boo! i'll be online in the morning but the afternoon i'll be looking at another market

absolutely buzzing at the moment - sat is so near
want you so bad!
smiley - love

hi sweetie

Post 106


I will keep my morning free then darling and looking forward to it already. I love our conversations, they are so specialsmiley - smooch
smiley - love

hi sweetie

Post 107

leo mckern [space for random exotic word juxtaposition generator]

want to be entwined, holding you close as we are lost in passion

hi sweetie

Post 108


The outside world being so far away, just you and me - completely lost in each other's arms, sharing the intimacy that only true love brings. So deep that nothing else matters, drifting to a higher level of abandonment from all our worries and problems. Complete and utter happiness smiley - love

hi sweetie

Post 109

leo mckern [space for random exotic word juxtaposition generator]

see you have responded to that stupid post about fluoroquinolones! scaremongering pillock!
missing you my darling - can't wait to see you face-to-face and hold you in my arms at last, somehting I have been longing for
love you so much xxxx
smiley - love

hi sweetie

Post 110

leo mckern [space for random exotic word juxtaposition generator]

want that blissful abandon. the expression of our deep and true love for each other
giving our bodies to each other
giving ourselves up totally

hi sweetie

Post 111


That's strange, I can't see my post yet. Yes, he annoyed me. I totally agree with using antibiotics, when they are needed i.e when someone is in pain or discomfort which could be alleviated by their use. So, why complain about side effects. Yeah, I moaned about my side effects from the fluoxetine, but I was expecting to get them, it was inevitable, I wouldn't tell other people not to take it.

hi sweetie

Post 112

leo mckern [space for random exotic word juxtaposition generator]

his post was very misleading - the two fluoroquinolones banned aren't used in this country. the most important side-effect i know with cipro is tendinitis which can cause tendon rupture esp achilles

your post nas appeared now

hi sweetie

Post 113


I want to feel your skin next to mine, to feel every part of your body in intricate detail, to run my fingers over you caressing you gently and teasing your most sensitive areas, whilst kissing your neck and your earlobes.smiley - smooch

hi sweetie

Post 114

leo mckern [space for random exotic word juxtaposition generator]

want to trace your curves with my smooth palms, enjoying the feel of your soft skin

want to make you shudder with excitement and gasp with pleasure as I stroke you in your most intimate places

hi sweetie

Post 115


So it has - i've just posted another one!
That's one of the problems of the internet, he would have done a search on Cipro+side effects and come up with scare stories. What should happen with medical information is that there should be directions to other sites on perhaps the benefits of ciprofloxacin ( I did my final year dissertation on Cipro!)
I think the only time you really need to worry about it is in under 5's anyway. Anyone else had to be evaluated on an individual basis - in which case the majority of patients would have no problems at all.

I've got my brainy head on tonight! smiley - scientist

hi sweetie

Post 116


We'd better find somewhere very secluded then, because I have a feeling i will be doing a lot of gasping!smiley - loveblush

I bet I could get a few noises out of you too!
smiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - smooch

hi sweetie

Post 117

leo mckern [space for random exotic word juxtaposition generator]

very good my honey!
I did a quick search - i keep a keen eye on pharmacovigilance alerts and hadn't heard anything about it. this fluorosis thing is nonsense when you consider how much fluorine is in fluoroquinolones!

people that believe stuff from the internet deserve all they get!

hi sweetie

Post 118

leo mckern [space for random exotic word juxtaposition generator]

why is the population so thick! we overestimate the intelligence of the public at our peril

hi sweetie

Post 119


I whole heartedly agree, I just hope you believe everything you read from my end of the internet!

I love you darlingsmiley - love

hi sweetie

Post 120

leo mckern [space for random exotic word juxtaposition generator]

want to make you gasp and sigh and moan my darling!

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